Wait This Is Serious.

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He dropped me next to the car.

"Get in."

I ducked under the roof and climbed in. He slammed the door. I could hear whimpers in the back seat but I didn't dare turn around. He climbed into the driver's seat and the door snapped back in anger and the car flew back. Smoke filled the car park as we darted out of the exit. I didn't dare look at him either. This was getting serious. Should I call the police? He gripped the steering wheel and spat out of the window visciously. He turned around and I couldn't help myself from looking. Our eyes met and I gasped at the image. He resembled an animal; nostrils flaring, breaths ragged, hands clawing, eyes narrowing, voice quaking.

"I said no friends." He growled.

"I-I-I-I" I spluttered.

"Well you know what I said, they'd be hurt more than you would."

Another cry escaped from the back and I snapped around. My mouth dropped to the floor and my stomach flipped. My eyes filled up and my hands trembled.

"Nick," I croaked. My voice broke and my throat felt stuck, like there was a knife jammed in it. He looked at me pleadingly through watery eyes and a tear fell to my knees. Tears leaked from his eyes and ran down into the scarf used as a gag suffocating his mouth. He lifted his bounded hands up to me for me to undo. Louis snatched my arm and span me around harshly.

"You're hurting him!" I screamed.

"That's the point idiot."

"Don't call me that."

"Oh so he can, I heard your whole conversation. He called you an idiot and you didn't say anything!"

"He doesn't go round evesdropping and then beating up and kidnapping people!"

"It's not kidnap-"


"It's teaching you a lesson."

"You don't control me, I'm not yours Louis! When can you get that into your stupid head?!"

"You are mine, you came to me." I snarled and glared at him. How dare he say this is my fault!

"Let me out now!!" I yelled and started pulling and yanking and heaving and scratching at the door. Tears flooded down my face and I screamed until my voice was hoarse. I collapsed down onto the door and smacked my forehead on the cool window. A headache pulsated against my temples and my tongue tripped over my breaths.

"L-Louis." I sobbed and each gasp racked through my body.

"Please." I whispered.

"Go to sleep Harry." And he patted my head and carressed my curls.


"Shhhh. Everything's ok." He soothed and rubbed my back. The pain through my head and effort of crying caught up with me and my eyelids melted into darkness.


Brightness filled my vision. Ow. My head killed. Owww. I rubbed my temples with my hand and cracked my eye open when I pulled it away. Ahhhh why is it so bright? The whiteness dulled and objects started to focus in. It was actually quite dark, the curtains were closed and the door was closed. I pulled the blanked closer to my chest and sighed agaist the headache. Wait. Blanket? I stared at the blue blanket wrapped around me and then to the white pillow I was resting on. My eyes snapped to the ceiling and then darted around the room. A desk? A wardrobe? Blue walls? White door? I sat up sharply.

"Where am I?" A scream echoed distortedly around the room but it didn't come from that far away. I swung my legs out of the strange bed I was in and stood up dizzily. I staggered over to the door when another scream sounded. It was full of pain and I'd never heard anything like it before. Not even from murder scenes in films. I pressed my cheek against the wood and strained my ears to try and listen to what was going on.

"HELP!!" The screem was loud this time and croaked halfway through.

"Where am I?" I started to panic, what's happened? Why am I here? How did I get here? Wait. I was with Nick in the toilets. Why am I not at school? And then Louis came. Where are they both? And then, and then...

"Oh no." I gasped and started rattling the door handle.

"NICK!! NICK!!" I yelled. "I'm here!!" The door wouldn'd budge. Louis' locked me in. God I hate him! What's his problem?!

"Louis leave him alone!" I screamed. "Let me out of here!" I tugged once more and then pounded my fists against the door in frustration. I panted heavily. It's definitely locked. I chuckled at my own stupidity but stood up when I realised that this was serious. Louis could kill Nick. I know that sounds dramatic but I know he could. I stared at the door. How? How could I get out? The only thing I could think of was to knock it down. I knew I couldn't do it but I might as well try.

I walked back slowly, trying to figure out how I was going to do it. I inhaled deeply and leaned forward into a stance. 1 nope I can't do this. 2 no Harry don't be an idiot. 3 oh shiii-

"Ahhhh!" I charged at the door and immediately bounced off it. I hissed when my shoulder cracked. I told you. I looked around frantically when another scream filtered through the rooms. Quick find something heavy. Ahhh I don't know. Quick, quick! Errrrrm..... Wait there's a paperclip on the desk. Harry you're not James Bond. Well I haven't got anything else. I swiped it up and knelt down infront of the door. I slipped the paperclip into the key hole and shifted in my crouching position. I stopped and placed my ear against the lock. I began turning the paperclip even though I wasn't expecting a result. Turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, it wont work, it will, turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, turning, I'm telling yo-, click.

"Ey!" I sprang back surprised. It actually worked! It actually worked! I did it! I can't believe it! Yeah and Nick is also dying. Oh yeah, forgot about that.

I jumped up from the floor and pulled the door open triumphantly. I stepped over the threshhold and breathed in my new freedom. I really am exaggerating this.

"HARRY!" Nick's screamed made my blood turn cold and my heart thunder against my chest.

"Don't you dare speak to him!" Louis, I presumed, yelled back. Ok this is bad. This is bad. My feet suddenly started to carry me towards the noises. My mind caught up with them and I started running. I passed two doors, one on each side of me but I knew that they weren't in them. This could be Louis' house becuase I never went in all of the rooms upstairs. I ran further and recognised Louis' door. So this is his house. Ok. Nick hissed and I knew that I was close enough to them if I was able to hear that. I slowed down as I leaned in closer to Louis' door.

"Harry is mine." I heard Louis mutter and I could hear his soft footsteps padding around the room. Right, what am I going to do? I can't just go in there. Well I haven't got much else. Ok, don't think about it. Just go in there and stop Louis. On the count of three. No wait, I can't. 3 nope, no, no chance. 2 I can't! How can I?! 1 GO!!

I pushed heavily against the door and fell through it. I stumbled into a standing position and lifted my head.

"Harry!" They both gasped but my eyes were glued to the glistening weapon in Louis' hand.


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