❀ Chapter 16 ❀

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falling, falling, crashed

When I entered the house again, it was so awkward. It was like everyone was waiting for something to come through the door.

I just passed everyone's stares while I walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch, and when my butt planted the seat it was like everyone was out of the trance.

Back to what was normally planned, everyone began picking up solo cups and throwing away napkins.

I sat on the couch starting to feel really awkward. 'Should I go help clean up? I did agree to stay over. But you just got back from a break down...'

Sighing, I got comfortable on the cushions.

"Ashlee can you help me?" I hear Calum's voice. I lift my head and peer behind the couch. I stood up, walking to the kitchen to where Calum was.

"Carry these bottles downstairs please?" Calum asked. I nodded taking one in each hand. "Where do you want me to put them?" I questioned before leaving to go to the basement.

"There's suppose to be a whole empty shelf. That's where they came from." I nodded understanding Calum's explanation.

I carried the alcohol bottles, soda bottles, or even juice bottles downstairs. I took two each trip, getting an exercise from the stairs.

Now after I had finished with what Calum told me, I didn't know what to do next. Everyone was doing something, and I must've been that extra person needed.

Sighing, still feeling my cheeks feel funny from when I was crying, I went back to the couch and sat down.

Then suddenly, the couch dipped to my left. I turned my head and saw Luke sitting next to me.

'Shit, Ashlee don't freak out, don't freak out, you're cool, you're fine everything is fine'

"Hey." Luke said rather awkwardly.

"Hey." I said back feeling my heart speed up again for like the millionth time.

"Is it true?" Luke then asked. I avoided eye contact. "That you've been holding back this secret for a while?"

Sighing softly, I nodded. I looked down at my knees. I felt so embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke then asked. Wow he sounds really approachable.

"Before.." I began. "I thought it was nothing. Maybe one day you just looked really cute and maybe I just thought 'oh wow he looks good'."
I shrugged my shoulders, feeling my cheeks get really warm.

"I just thought it was me being stupid. I didn't think I would actually catch these feelings for you." I ended up in a whisper.

Luke sat back in the couch letting out air he accumulated in his cheeks. God I feel super awkward.

"You know I have a girlfriend." Luke pointed out. "I know." I replied in a dull tone.

"Then how come you didn't get over me?" Luke asked as if he was an interrogator.

Finally, I lifted my head up and brought out my confidence to look straight into his blue eyes.

"Because I was falling for you. I couldn't just stop the 'fall'. I had to go through it. Plus every time I saw you, it was harder to get over you!" I practically blurted out. And I think someone from the kitchen stopped to hear us.

"I didn't just have a simple crush on you, Luke. I actually loved you, more than a friend. And I knew it wasn't meant to be because you chose Francesca. I don't have a problem with that but something just made me love you longer than I should have!" I explained thoroughly.

"What? What made you hold on?" Luke asked in a demanding tone. He sat up from the couch and faced me.

"I don't know! Something about you! It's like falling in love with a celebrity and completely ignoring who they're really with." I replied.

"Excuse me?" I hear Francesca's voice. Luke and I turn to her behind the couch. "So what? I'm just a girl who blocked you from getting what you'd want? Is that what you see me as, Ashlee?!" Francesca snapped.

I stood up from the couch standing my ground.

"I never said that!" I raised my voice. "You implied it!" Francesca protested.

"Francesca, you're confused-" "Oh, I think I understand this situation clearly!"

"Ashlee, Francesca, stop it!!" I hear Calum yell. We saw him come into the living room. "What are you guys yelling about?!" Calum questions.

"Ashlee thinks I'm a cockblocker." Francesca sneers, crossing her arms. "I. Never. Said that!!" I protest again.

"Francesca I have nothing against you!" I say before anything else was said. "Then why did you still have a crush on Luke this whole fucking time, huh?!"

I sighed loudly clenching my fists trying to relieve some anger. In the meantime, Bailey and Michael came into the scene. Shit.

"Because I couldn't get over him!! I don't know what it is, but I couldn't just let go!! I wanted to, I swear. I knew I had to let go, but somehow I couldn't. I don't know anymore..." My voice lowered to an inside voice. My eyes began to sting, making me see blurry.

"This is why I didn't want any one of you to know." I sniffled wiping a tear that slipped. "I was afraid of everyone fighting about this because of what I did."

I wiped my eyes looking at Luke. His head moved to the floor not looking at me. I turned to Francesca. Her arms were crossed and she was looking off to the side. Calum, Bailey, and Michael just watched me cry. Thanks guys.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." I sobbed wiping my cheek with my flannel sleeve.

I headed for the door, and before I could turn the handle, I feel something pull me back on my arm.

"Ashlee," I turned around to find Michael looking down at me sympathetically. "I'll drive you home." I nodded sniffling again wiping my face. "Thank you."
We were halfway into the drive and I was looking out the window of the passengers seat. Michael drove smoothly, not saying a word, which I secretly wanted because I didn't think I could talk to anyone anymore.

Soon enough, we turned into my neighborhood street. I checked the time, 2:17 AM; I was dead tired. Not just sleepy, but tired of everything that happened today.

"Okay, I'll help you get in." Michael muttered getting out of the car. He walked to my side and opened the door for me. He helped me get up and walked me to my door.

It was still pretty dark but I still could see the shape of Michael's face. I sniffled once more, then felt two soft hands hold my cheeks. The thumbs rubbed under my eyes.

"You're okay, Ashlee. Every thing is okay, and you will be too." Michael whispered very quietly, only for me to hear. I nodded, putting out a little sob.

But these tears were pure relief. I took my arms and wrapped them around Michael. I locked my hands on his back as I hugged him. He hugged back, rubbing up and down my arm and pulling me into his chest.

"Thank you." I whispered pulling away. I saw Michael's eyes look down at me. I softly smiled.

Then, as if my mind was its own, I went on my tippy toes, and I pressed my lips on Michael's soft ones.

And holy shit. It was the best decision I've ever made.

Michael kissed back shortly. He pulled away, and even thought it was only 2 seconds, that kiss was memorable.

"You're welcome. Now get some sleep." Michael whispered as I slightly giggled. Damn I haven't smiled since...maybe 7 PM yesterday.

I unlocked the door with my keys that I had and stepped inside the house.

"Goodnight, Michael."

"Goodnight, Ashlee."

TBH this chapter is sUpER dramatic and really long (oOps) but I'm very proud of it :) sorry for the late update too, I just had to do school stuff :P BUT tell me about your reaction to the chapter :D

Falling Until I Crashed // l.r.hWhere stories live. Discover now