Chapter Eight: Switcheroo

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Me: All right! Akito, you ready? Eh? Akito! I thought... 

Lind: I'm in a dress. Happy? 

Me: Now you wanna do it? Put your hair down. 

Lind: Not the hair! Not the hair! 

Me: The wig it is. 

Lind: Fine! I'll put my hair down.

Me: Oh, Akane! 

Akane: What? 

Me: Hey, you look cute in a tuxedo. Now put on a wig. 

Akane: I have to stuff my hair in that thing? Can I just cut my hair? 

Me: You can cut your hair? 

Akane: Spitfire taught me. 

Me: I should've added that, but oh well. Cut your hair.

"Whoa, Ferrari-chan," Ikki said. Kazu, Onigiri, and Buccha snicker in the background. "You look different with the boy attire." He touched her hair, which is now cut short. "Are you wearing a wig?" He pulled her hair hard. 

"Ow!" Akane yelled. "It's my hair, you dimwit!" She slapped his hand. "You three." She glared at Kazu, Onigiri, and Buccha. "If laugh behind my back again, I'm gonna kill you with my samurai sword." 

"Samurai sword?" Onigiri echoed. "Oh my God. This girl is one of a kind!" 

"Sheesh, you don't have to be harsh," Ikki said, folding his arms. 

"Hey, where's Lind?" Kazu spun around. "Onigiri, Buccha, if Lind comes out, let's ROFL." 

"Nuh-uh!" Akane hit them with a fying pan. "You are not going to laugh at Lind." 

"Where the hell did that crazy chick get that frying pan?" Ikki muttered. 

"Do you look okay?" Lind came out with a white dress and his hair down. Even though, Akane told Kazu, Onigiri, and Buccha not to laugh at Lind, she suddenly laughed at Lind. 

"Bwahaha! You look amazing!" she laughed like a mad man. "Seriously! LOL." 

"Since when did they start using acronyms?" Ikki muttered. 

Rhodri walked in with a stack of papers. "Guys, here's a flyer for an after party." He looked at Akane and Lind. "What's going on here?" 

"It's a cross-dressing dare," Lind said. 

"Okay..." Rhodri nodded slowly. "Frostine is going to swarm over you if she sees you in that tuxedo. Anyways, how did you two get a tuxedo and a dress?"

*The place where Lind and Akane got the clothes*

"Let's see here..." The cashier in the Formal Store showed Lind and Akane a white dress and a black tuxedo. "Are these okay for you guys?" 

"We'll take them!" Akane paid him three hundred yen. "Thank you!"

*End of rewind*

"There was this place called the Formal Store next door," Akane told Rhodri. "You should check it out someday. Pretty awesome." 

"Just see this flyer." Rhodri handed an orange paper that printed: "The AT Indoor Skating Park After Party! Starts on this Saturday, from 6:00-9:00. Come join the fun! AT Storm Riders only."

"Yay! This should be fun!" Frostine exclaimed with sheer delight. "Akane-kun! You look stunning in that tuxedo!"

"Ooh, I'm flattered by your words." Akane rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Aw, stop it." Frostine gently shoved Akane to Nue. "Nue-kun! Pick me up from 5:30 on Saturday!"

"Can make that girl leave me alone for a while?" Akane seethed, bumping Nue's shoulder. "She's annoying me."

"Sorry, no can do," Nue said. "She's really irritating for a second generation Gravity Child."

"Tell me about it."

"Anyways, nice tux." Nue instantly laughed at her.

"Har har. Tell me when you're done pissing your pants." Akane came across Lind.

"Is he--?" Lind's voice trailed off.

"Yes, he did." Akane saw a wet spot in the middle of Nue's pants.

"Damn! I shouldn't have laughed at her." Nue stomped his foot on the floor. Akane giggled on her hand.

"Yo, queer." It was Spade, with his teammates, Quicksand and Smokescreen. "Nice tux. Hey, nice dress your queer friend has."

Akane punched his face. "I'm a girl, not a queer. I look like a boy. And Lind looks like a girl. So what?"

"Oh, Akane-kun!" Frostine shook Akane's shoulder. "I forgot something." She kissed her cheek. "Bye!" She skated out the door. Spade, Quicksand, and Smokescreen exchanged looks.

"Is she...?" Quicksand pointed at Akane.

"Are you...?" Smokescreen copied his teammate's action.

"No, I'm not," Akane said. "She only recognizes me as a guy. I don't know what is wrong with her. She's really annoying."

"Did you tell her that you're actually a girl?" Spade asked.

"She wouldn't believe me."

"Wow, there is something wrong with her." Spade clutched on a clump of his hair. "I'll see you Saturday."

 Trivia Time!

Spade is a King-class AT Storm Rider and is the leader of his team, Ground Zero, which is actually made up of ten members. Spade, Quicksand, and Smokescreen are the top three best Storm Riders in the team.

Me: Sorry for the sucky chapter, everyone!

Lind: Yeah, it was a sucky chapter. Very, very sucky.

Akane: Do you wanna switch clothes now? Frostine is creeping me out now. She kissed me on the cheek.

Lind: Creepy.

Spade: 'Sup, peoples. I joined your whatever this is.

Ikki: Us characters chat here at the end of each chapter with Vera-chan.

Spade: Okay. What do I do in here?

Ikki: Duh, have fun, man!

Spade: All right! Let's celebrate!


Ikki: Calm down. Sorry.

Kazu: Who ordered a party from Team Kogarasumaru?


Ikki: Next chapter on Catching Up: An Air Gear Fanfic! The After Party!

Spade: Who is he talking to?

Me: He does that always. I don't know either.

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