Chapter Seventeen: The Scarred Chain and the Crowned Link

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"The ex-Iron Queen lost her mind!" DJ Plugman clamored, banging on his counter. "Wait, that's not the Iron Queen." He zoomed in. "That's--"

A girl with magenta hair with jagged ends, a scar on her right eye, ruby eyes with slitted pupils, and an eye patch on her left eye sticking up her middle finger at Aoko. Aoko almost fainted.

"Shit," she cursed out loud.

"Miss me, you piece of crap?" the mysterious girl growled, rolling up her sleeves. "I'm going to take you down and I'm taking my Regalia back."

"Yeah right." Aoko scoffed. (A/N: Galina style XD.) "You're going to lose anyway."

"How can you be so sure?" the girl demanded. "You betrayed me, Aoko, for that boy who wanted the Iron Regalia for his sister." She gritted her teeth and bawled, "I hate you!"

Aoko tightened her fists. "Tch. I love him more than anything. That was the best choice I made in my life."

"Whoa, wait a second." Kazu tapped on Rhodri's shoulder. "Akane has a split personality, like LInd?"

"Yeah," Rhodri said simply.

"Who is that?"

Rhodri drank a medium amount of water. "Her name is Devon. The Scarred Chain."

"An incredible moment here, everyone!" DJ Plugman was getting teary-eyed. "The Scarred Chain is back from hiding!"


"She is back. Devon is back." Rhodri felt a massive pain on his head. "No, no, no. That's not possible. She can't be."

Max blew one of her hair strands away from her face. "Who's Devon?"

"She's actually popular worldwide, but she lost a little bit of her popularity when she disappeared from public eye because Akane had to take over when she went with me to America. I don't understand why she's still popular."

"You're saying that your King partner has a split personality?"

"Yeah. One of them is a Tuner, so she sucks at riding ATs. She used to ride them before, but she became a pacifist."

"What's her name?" Galina asked.

"Devyn," Rhodri said, "the Crowned Link."

"Devon, Devyn, and Akane." Naoki winked at him. "Gotcha."

"Mmph! Devon!" Rhodri shrieked, his eyes heavy from lack of sleep. "Win this and get your Regalia back! We're counting on you!"

Devon can sense a helpful presence near her. It wasn't Akane.


In her mind, Devyn beamed. You can do this, Devon!

I need you to help me out. I can't do this without you.

It's a good thing you have me to help you out!


Devon saw an very quick attack on her, but she avoided it. Aoko stomped on her foot.

"Damn you, sneaky bitch!" she screeched. "That's not fair that I'm human and you're not!" She jumped high in the air, doing several flips. "Adamant Blade!" She fired a curved blade to Devon.

"It's called an advantage." Devon can see Devyn nod as a signal. "Take this! Ferrous Uppercut!" She ripped off her eyepatch and released a second curved blade. The two curved blades clashed against each other.

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