Chapter Eleven: Cerberus

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Me: Whoa, Rhodri. Are you sure you wanna do this? 

Rhodri: They wanna know. 

Me: Okay, I'll put your personal story here. 

Rhodri: Well, it's not gonna be personal anymore. 

Me:...God, I'm so stupid. 

Rhodri: You want Team Kogarasumaru to meet the rest of the Brain Chargers. Why? 

Me: They only met five. Agito/Akito/Lind and Team Sleipnir. I want them to know there are more Brain Chargers than those five. Like you, Naoki, Galina, Team Dark Shadows, and Akane. They have to meet one more. 

Rhodri: I see. Wait, why the hell are we having this conversation? 

Me: That's what I wanted to know. Get out of here! 

Rhodri: I'm planning to. Sheesh. 

Me: Now presenting Rhodri's personal story! 

Rhodri: It's not personal anymore!

*About more than ten years ago*

"Cerberus is currently agitated," one of the scientists reported. 

"What are you standing here doing nothing for?" Prof. Minami scolded. "Inject him with the Sleeping Serum!" 

"My apologies, sir." The scientist snatched the Sleeping Serum and entered the room. 

"Apologies, my ass," Prof. Minami muttered angrily. "What's taking you so long? Get out of there!" 

He exhaled wearily and unlocked the door. "I should've warned you that he'll kill you immediately when you take your step in here." He studied Cerberus, a five-year old boy who is tall for his age with the abilities and instincts of the three-headed dog. The young boy was finishing clawing the dying scientist. Prof. Minami felt himself trembling. 

"What have I done?"

Prof. Minami carefully let Cerberus outside his room for the first time. The only time that he didn't kill anyone, which is a huge relief to the professor. 

"I'll tell you everything about you," Prof. Minami whispered. "You are Project Cerberus: No. 5 for the Brain Charger Project. Your real name is Rhodri Avon Daichi Maddox V, that's what your parents named you after they left you here. I am your creator and I created you to patrol this place and kill anyone without mercy. Understand?" 

Rhodri smirked. "Does that mean I have to kill you, too?" 


"You didn't say I'm an irritation," Rhodri remarked. 

"Oh God," Prof. Minami sighed. "It's okay. You don't have to answer my question. Patrol the place starting tonight. Kill anyone who tries to escape from here." 

"Too easy." Rhodri puts his left fist against his right palm.

The four-year old girl, Galina, kicked the boy her age, Thierry, who was stuck in a nap for six hours. 

"Thierry!" Galina hissed and kicked him again. "Wake up!" 

Thierry finally woke up. "Ow, that hurts!" 

"Sorry. We need Max-sama to get out of here." 

"Is she still looking to see if the area's clear?" 


"The area's clear." Another girl with bistre hair and aquamarine eyes and older than Galina and Thierry by a year, Max, stuffed her binoculars in her pouch. 

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