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Kahli's POV

I got lost into his blue eyes and my heart started racing when I snapped out of my ideas I stiffened and started tapping some stuff on the board when I was done I asked for a name. His name was Johan, his name sounded so dreamy.

I picked up a tray and got me some chicken minis with fries and a strawberry milkshake along with a chicken salad. Even though it was the afternoon I had cravings for those yummy chicken bites. I took my book bag from the back and sat at the only table that was left. And unfortunately it was next to Johan's table.

I sat down uncomfortably and I could feel his eyes on me. I ignored him and took out my binder and started doing it. Once I started I ignored completely who was around me. I sat and ate as I was doing homework. Kelly came up to me "Hey Kahli, the manager wants you to close can you do that?" I looked at her with exhaustion on my face.

She sighed "I know you don't like it but please can you?" Slowly I nodded my head. Kelly squealed and went back to working. I rolled my eyes and got back to eating my chicken salad. Not a few minutes later Johan and his crew got up and left. After that I could breath more easily.


It was finally time to close. I got the keys and stepped outside the cool air whipped my face and it felt relaxing. I locked the restaurant and started walking towards my car. I got in and turned it on. I looked around the parking lot noticing there was one car left. I shrugged not really caring.

At my way home the car at the restaurant was following me and when I got into the apartment complexes it followed me in too until I parked in front of my apartment he parked a couple spaces away. I got out quickly and ran to my door and unlocked it.

Once I got in I knew that I was in trouble so I was going to run away. I didn't even have much so it wouldn't be a problem. I took out my suitcase from under my bed and put in my clothes, stuff for me, and my book bag I looked around my book bag for my phone but didn't find it.

"Shit! I must've left it at the restaurant!" I changed into a black hoodie and some blue jeans with black vans. I opened my rooms window and climbed out the closest tree with my suitcase barely weighing anything.

Once I got my feet on the ground I turned the corner of the apartment and saw that the cars lights where off so I sneaked out and saw my car I ran up to it and quickly tried to unlock it but I was shaking so much it was hard to hold my keys.

Out of nowhere I saw a black shadow over me and I turned around. The guy pulled me over his shoulder and grabbed my suitcase. My natural instinct was to scream and kick him but he growled and put a hand over my mouth. "Stop yelling please I won't hurt you." He says soothingly. I stop screaming. "Where are you taking me?" I only asked that to hear his husky voice again. Noticing from his voice he was probably hot.

I hung on his shoulder like a dead meat but I immediately sprang up. "Wait I need my car!! Let me go that was my parents car!! Please that's the only memory I have of them!!" I said pained. He didn't respond. I struggled to get out of his grasp but this guy had some muscle.

Now that I think about it he carried me like a was a feather. He finally put me in his car and from then I fainted not because he knocked me out but because I was so scared and blacked out.

I awoke feeling a comfortable bed. I opened my eyes and all the thoughts came racing back to my head I jumped up and looked around I was in a decent room. I was in a white queen size bed. I squeezed the blankets I have never in my life had felt such soft sheets and comfortable, silky pillows. I looked at the window and tried to lift it up.

Dammit! It was locked. I ran up to the room and opened it. I peeked out and it was huge I saw a staircase right in front of my bedroom. I tip- toed down the stairs and looked at the door to go outside. I ran up to it my hands where shaking but I managed to open it but someone behind me shut it and I squeaked when the door closed.

I looked up at his face and it was him, it was Johan.

I feel onto my butt with my hands supporting me from behind. He tried touching me but I scooted back. His eyes reflected pain and they softened. "Come on I'm not going to hurt you." I shook my head and moved backer bumping into some feet. I looked up and saw the guy with the dirty blonde hair. I yelped and stood up against the wall.

The same girl I saw yesterday was coming down the stairs. "Good morning everyone, oh! Isn't she Kahli the one who took our order yesterday!?" She said happily. I looked confused, how can she be happy when she's surrounded with all these guys I managed to speak. "Where you kidnapped too?" She looked surprised then she burst out laughing.

"Nah babe, I'm Johan's sister my name is Kayla. And they kidnapped you?"her eyes became cold and she looked over at Johan who just looked back. After a few seconds of a staring contest the blonde one spoke. "Well my name is jayson!" He said pointing at his chest. I realized he was shirtless and he had a nice body!

Any girl will faint after seeing that. I didn't realize it but his face was inches from mine, he also held up my chin with his pointer finger. "I know you where staring. Feel free to do it any time you want. Oh and-" he moved closer to my ear giving me shivers down my spine. "You know anytime I will love to get a room with you." He said. I felt my face flush and he lauded slightly. He was walking into the kitchen but turned back just to wink at me! No one has ever done that to me.

I brought my knees up to my chest and held them there. Johan stared at me for a few seconds before Kayla came up to me. "Look Kahli we're not going to hurt you in any way possible. We just um..." She looked up at Johan then back at me. "We just need you here ok?" She ok'd concerned but I didn't buy in.

She sighed and stood up and took my arm. "Where are we going?" I asked. She turned around and winked. "It's time for you to meet your new home and that includes your new family!" I looked at her shocked

These people kidnapped me and yet......

They wanted me to be a part of their family. Maybe I can start a new life here. But a part of me said. Run away before it's too late.

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