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I was in Angelina's house where she lived with her mother and it was pretty big too. Her mom has given her a nice 2 bedroom apartment near school. I swung the last suitcase of hers into the trunk of my car. "All set that's the last one." I put my hands on my hips and smiled and looked at her mom. "Don't worry ma'am I will protect her and whenever she needs me she can just call me and I'll be there." Her mom moved closer to me and took my hand placed a pair of keys in my hand. "What's this?" I ask sincerely. She looked at me then at Angel.

"Angel thought it was a good idea if you and her would be roommates." My jaw dropped and I didn't want to be rude and say no so I just said ok. "Alright yea that's fine, um well I'll drop this off at the apartment and then I'll go for my stuff. I'll be in the car while you say your goodbyes." I said smiling and raised two thumbs up and I opened the car door and closed it waiting till she'll get in here. Bzz bzzz I turn over where my phone is and see that I have a recent message from Diana.

'You have your dress already?'

I laugh and text her back yes. I leave my phone on my lap, to be honest I haven't thought about Johan ever since Diana told me what he did to my parents I felt neutral but now my blood was boiling and some reason I was mad and angry and at the same time let down but I don't need him to make me happy by the way I have my cute Richard by my side. And also the boys and Kayla! Oh how I miss Kayla her and her jokes. My phone buzzes again.

'Ok alright see you on Friday I'll pick you up at 9:00pm.'

I sent an alright and left it back on my lap Angel soon joined me in the car with a few wet tears strained on her face. I look at her and she looks away, I smile and remember how I used to be like that. "You might wanna wipe your tears, there's nothing bad of crying. Plus put your seatbelt on." I turned around and put on mine and soon she did too. I scanned through my songs list and put Titanium by David Guetta. She looked up and wiped her face I pulled away from her house and waved to her mom.

I pulled down the windows a bit and enjoyed the wind hitting my face. "So then Angel, once me and you unpack what do you wanna do?" I asked looking at her, she looked around and shrugged her shoulders. "Alright then, we'll go for ice cream my treat. Does that sound ok?" She nodded and looked like she wanted to say something. "What is it that you want to tell me?" I looked straight ahead and out of the corner of my eye I could see that my question startled her. She stuttered with her words. "Uh well you know you don't have to treat me like a child."

I smiled. "Well then since you didn't speak I didn't have any more option then to treat you like one so would you like to use something called a mouth that God gave you?" She nodded. "Can we go to ice cream then to the Avalon mall and this time my treat." She said quietly. We where 5 min away from my apartment, "Alright then we shall." She smiled and stared for a while. "What is it, something wrong?" She shook her head. "You just remind me of someone I held very close." I smiled. "Well I guess I have one of those faces." I finally arrived at my apartment. "Do you wanna stay here or come in with me." She looked scared.

"I'll go in with you." I nodded my head I unbuckled myself and got the keys from my back pocket and opened it. Angel looked around in shock. "You live here?" I walk to the kitchen. "Yep this is my place not so luxurious I know believe me I've been trying to move." I pull out all my pans, bowls, and cooking items I use. "Its so tiny," I have my hands full with cooking tools. "Will you mind helping me out with this stuff. And yea I know but it's ok because I'm the only one who lives here." She goes into the kitchen and carries the rest of my materials we walk both outside and I open the door to the three seats in the back. "I think you were lucky to move in with me." She said laughing a bit. I put my stuff there and so did she. "Yea I guess, now I can actually live somewhere better." I went back inside and just stuffed my suitcase with clothes and what was left of my room.

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