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It was probably 1:00 in the morning, my eyes couldn't stay up longer but I knew I shouldn't give in. I still had my suitcase with some of my stuff. First things first I put on a bra and a jacket. My hair had dried up by now so I combed it and put it in a high bun. I grabbed my suitcase and slowly opened the door and looked out in the hallway. It was clear.

I carried my suitcase cause i didn't want it to make noise. I put one foot after another down the stairs. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw my keys from my car. My eyes widened and I felt a huge wave of relief because I don't really like stealing but that means my car is out here. I took my keys slowly from the slot trying not to make any sudden sound.

I had the keys in my hands and the suitcase in the other. I saw the big brown door and impulsed myself to open it. Once I did the wind hit my face and I suddenly felt free again. I turned back to see no one was there. I slowly closed the door behind me and looked at the drive through, and there it was my parents car.

I couldn't believe I got out without anyone catching me, but I shouldn't get my hopes high. I was totally surrounded by trees and nothing else but that. I unlocked my car as fast as I could and got in and turned it on. I looked for my phone hoping I hadn't left it at the restaurant. And my stupid self found it in the pocket of my pants. I looked through the window if anyone had noticed I was gone but nope. I quickly turned it on and put my address in the maps thing.

My phone was at 100 percent and I was glad. Once it found my location I read the minutes and I almost past out. I was in the far end of the woods in South Carolina! I was supposed to be in Georgia!! It said 59 hours. I put on Siri. "Nearest gas station." Siri was loading and thankfully it was 20 min from here. I put it on navigation and now it was showing me where to go, but my day just turned horrible. From the house I saw a light from a bedroom turn on and instantly I got scared.

I pulled out the drive through and started driving where I was supposed to go. When I looked back on the house the light had been turned off.

"2 more minutes till your destination." The navigation read. My eyes literally felt like they wanted to close right then and there. I hadn't slept anytime from today and I was exhausted but I had to get back home. My back felt good from the massage Johan gave me and that made me not to give up. I was going to buy some gas, chips, food, water, tea, and much more. I looked at my tan long wallet that had a Happy keychain dangling from it and sure enough I had 300 dollars in there from my last pay check. I smiled and sighed in relief. Things were finally turning better.

I saw the RaceTrack gas station in a few feet and drove faster to get there, once I did I notice there where lots of people there and that all the slots were taken, that made me feel safe for some reason. I got out of the car and pumped gas till it hit 55. I had paid $40. After that I went inside and I got all my favorite snacks. 3 packets of spicy peanuts, bag of spicy Doritos, a bag of hot chettos, chocolate covered pretzels, a top of Pringles, grapes, a bottle of Starbucks mocha frappechino, Arizona fruit punch, and 2 high peak sweet tea. When I brought it to the cashier e guy look at me like I was crazy. "It's for a trip."

I said simply and annoyed.he seemed like he got it completely and started charging me for the stuff. I turned my head to the car and saw the same blue Honda that Johan drives!! I immediately started to panic and sweat and I turned to the guy who was finished. "Its $35" I gave him my credit card and then gave it back and smiled. I smiled back and took my stuff and put my hoodie on. And sure enough it was him.

To make matters worse heading inside and he was still in his pajamas. I was still at the cashier box, i turned to the blonde boy and his eyes where curious. "Please, don't tell him where I am. Please I'm begging you." He was about to question me but he nodded knowing my situation. I ran to the chips section as he entered. My heart raced as he entered the store and as I expected he went to the blonde at the cashier. "Excuse me have you seen a girl with violet eyes and black hair?" Johan asked.

I just wished he didn't tell him. "Yea I have." The blonde said. My heart started to race again and I wanted to cry, I know Johan wouldn't hurt me I think but I don't want to stay trapped. Johan leaned against the counter scaring the guy. "Where?" The guy pointed to where the restrooms where. So he did keep it a secret I thought smiling.

"I saw her go into the restroom, you can check if she's still in there." Johan didn't even thank him but went where the guy pointed. I cam out of my hiding place and up to the blonde and gave him a hug and wrapped me hands around his neck. "Thank you, so much." I got out of my wallet $50. He was surprised and rejected my offer but I insisted. "Please take it, I owe my freedom to you." He sluggishly took it. "Thank you for your humbleness, take care." He nodded. "You too, but you should get going." I nodded and walked out the store with my stuff and hoodie. I walked to my car and saw Johan's right next to mine.

I got in and placed my stuff in the passenger seat. I turned the car on and set the GPS. The last thing I saw was Johan coming out of the store seeing my car drive off.


Welcome to Georgia. The sign welcomed. After a few days driving only stopping to sleep I finally reached my state. I think I have missed 3 or 4 days from school and I bet there is a bunch of homework waiting for me. One thing is for sure, I'm not going back to that small apartment. I see the complex's Michael lives in. Michael is a childhood friend but he moved a few years but I wouldn't want to visit.

I ended up staying at a hotel. I parked my car and went inside where I did my reservation. The lady gave me the key to my room and when I opened it I stretched my arms and legs out like a butterfly with me face with the covers and from there I didn't wake up.

Johan's POV

Kahli had just left the house and I tried to find her at the gas station but I was to late she had left. I was outside the stood I walked up to my car and punched the hood of the car so many times that now I don't remember and now it had a huge dent in it. I started shaking and tears fell from my eyes onto the concrete. People looked at me and whispered along, but I just ignored them. The fact that she used me as her doll and left me behind, did I mean nothing to her!! I mean she was my mate and without her I'm a lost cause.

I clenched my teeth so hard that I think one of them chipped. I forced myself to wipe the tears and stand straight. I relaxed and breathed in and out. I got in my car and drove to the house.


I was now arriving to the house we all lived in and everyone was outside waiting, I think they thought I had Kahli or something because when I walked out of the car empty handed, They're expression fell and I could feel they where worried. "Hey Johan, where the hell is Kahli?!" Richard yelled coming closer to me Kayla noticed this and came from behind him and tried to pull him away because he was about to throw another one of his tantrum, but Kayla ended up on the ground because he pushed her aside.

I got mad at the sight of him pushing my sister so I helped her get up. Kayla got up and I held her in my arms "She left." I said my voice almost cracking. I could feel everyone's stare. There was a big silence that fell upon us until Luke spoke. "Please tell me this is a joke." His voice breaking. I looked at his chocolate eyes and shook my head, I knew how much Luke cared for her and I could tell he wanted to cry then and there. Lucas came up to me and grabbed my collar so I could face him. Kayla moved aside not wanting to be in the situation.

I looked into his hazel eyes filled with anger, sadness, and worryingly all in one. "And what the hell are you going to do?! She is your mate isn't she?! Go after her!!" He yells in my face. I was to shocked for words. She was my mate, but she used me all along so she could get out of here, I don't blame her either she was literally kidnapped by me, but I don't know if I should go back.

"You should." Kayla's soft voice said. I looked at her and sighed. I don't want to scare her and make her think I'm a stalker so I started think of ideas and Then a bright idea hit me. I grinned evilly and looked at the guys and they all grinned loving the fact that I wasn't depressed and that I had an idea. "Alright guys if Kahli won't come back we'll go to her." "What do you mean?" Sam asked.

I crossed my arms and smiled. "We are all going to go to school."


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