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I opened my tired eyes, enough to see me surroundings. My head was leaned against a familiar blonde who was Luke. I looked and saw that we where inside Johan's small ass car. I groaned and I felt a surge of pain through my leg. I winced in pain and held my leg. Kayla heard me and turned around from the front seat and placed a hand on my hand. "I'm so sorry Kahli that I left you, I thought you where going to be ok and I kinda fo-"

I cut her off and placed my hand over hers. "There's no need to apologize, the only thing that matters is that I'm ok." I said smiling, and she smiled too. I looked over at Johan who was driving full speed and I think angry because he didn't even bother looking back at me. His knuckles turned white on the steering wheel and I got scared.

Kayla noticed my fear and she patted my leg softly. "He'll be ok." She said reassuring that he was fine. I nodded and she turned around back resting onto her seat and all I did was sit there and stare until Johan spoke up.

"You ok baby?" I looked up at him. "Yea I am, don't worry about me." He growled and I jumped. "Sorry for frightening you, but it doesn't work like that, I care a whole lot for you and I can't just not care." He said softly.

I giggled "So you do have a sweet side don't you?" He face palmed himself. "I do but don't tell the boys, if they find out they will make fun of me." I smiled "ok alright I won't but hurry up and let's go home I don't like wearing an oversized shirt!" I said pouting.

He laughed and there it was sparks and fireworks going everywhere. I always enjoyed his laughs and his nice comments. "It doesn't bother me because I can just imagine you with nothing on." My face turned hot and I hit his arm as hard as I could, but it didn't seem to affect him. "Your punches are so weak they seem like a fly is punching me." He said laughing. I crossed my arms and my legs too.

"That's because your much more stronger than me." He shook his head. "You're such a little kid."

"Am not."
"Is too"
"Am not"
"Is too"
"Am not!"

"Come on guys stop arguing and get out we are here!" Kayla said annoyed. I woke up Luke. "Hey Luke we're here." I said gently. He looked up at me and smiled. "Nice to see you're ok." I nodded and played with his cheeks. "Now come on go inside." He nodded and got off the car.

I woke up all the boys except, Richard.

I sighed and shook him but he just turned the other way. "Ricchharrd!" I said whispering shouting. He groaned and wrapped his arms around me and dug his head in my chest. I felt so embarrassed that he was using my boobs as his pillow. I tried to push him but he tightened his grip on my waist. Besides we where still inside the car.

He was at the very end of the car so I decided to open the car door. Once I did we both fell to the concrete road but I was the one who hit it because he was awake and just flipped me so I was on the bottom.

He was looking at me, he was in a push-up position and smirked. I snuggled out of his arms and dusted off the dirt and rocks off my clothes. He stood up and tossed an arm around my shoulder and sweeped me up from the floor. (Bridal style) "Hey put me down I'm totally capable of walking on my own you know!"

He shook his head. "You're injured and I'll take care of you so don't worry I'll shower you." I shook my head fast I could just feel the heat rising to my face....... Again.

He laughed. "Come on I won't look I promise." He said winking. I shook my head and looked at the floor. "I'm just real self conceit." He lifted me up so my head was pressed against his shoulder and some of his chest.

His hand was supporting my head up. "You're beautiful Kahli, don't you forget that." I didn't say anything instead tears started welling up in my eyes, no one has ever said such nice words to me it even hurt to hear them.

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