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I run. Run to my destination with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and see the apartment I quickly walk up the steps and realize I smell someone familiar, I was about to knock on the door but I realized that it was open. I make my way inside it was completely dark and I crept in quietly not making a sound. I walked slowly to Angelina's room which her light was on. I heard a welp and I approached quickly looking through the small crack in the door and I could see Angel tied up but she could clearly see the person doing this.

She was on the bed shaking and the person who I couldn't see approached the door and I hid behind it. The door opened and I prayed he wouldn't open it all the way so it wouldn't touch me. He looked at his clock and went back inside. "Well seems like she isn't coming after all, I should leave her a gift when she comes back." I know who that is... It's Atticus! How did he out run me! He was knocked out most of the time since I was packing! I looked how he reached for the sharp knife getting ready to stab her. "Please.... Please do not do this." Angel was crying now. Atticus raised the knife but  I couldn't wait any more I lunged into the room and stopped the knife penetrating into anything. He looked at me surprised but amused. I was in front of angel and she was crying but once she saw me she moved away from me.

"Angel what's wrong?!" I pushed him away and he laughed and clapped his hands. "Wow Dina, I didn't know you could super speed! What a surprise, but I don't think angel will be trusting anyone else from now on." I looked at him suspicious. "What do you mean?" I soon saw him change, by that I mean his aspect his appearance. He soon looked like a female and soon I saw that the person he turned into was.. Me! I looked at him or actually myself up and down and he smirked. "I learned tons of powerful spells from the library on my earth, and one of them was to shift into whatever I like. Just like I can shift into a wolf . same goes here." He even had my voice. "What do you want?" He smiled knowing this was going to happen, I hated that smile.

"You have a choice. You either fight me or-" he pointed at angel. "She can die." I saw fear flash in her eyes I overshadowed her. "That's not going to happen, if that's the only choice I have I'll take it. Explain the rules." He shifted back into himself. "Easy, if I win I will have you as my prize and you know what for. If I lose well... I'll be dying tonight." I looked at him confused. He sighed. "In about 45 min your boyfriend will find out that you're not there and he will ask your pack to help him track you down even though he's a fucking vampire!!" He got mad and punched the wall. That's why he never liked Richard. "After that they'll surely find me and kill me so your pick." I looked at him and then at angel. "Ok I'll do it just give me 5 min with angel." He shrugged and cut the ropes that tied her, and he left the room.

"Kahli you can't do this! You can get killed or worse believe me he is not ordinary he's a werewolf and a vampire!" I sighed and I was ready to tell her everything. "Yes, I know he is and I'm one too. Look angel you need to go hide somewhere and don't come out." She hesitated. "What?! Your a vampire and a werewolf?! That can't be your normal is there anything else I need to know!" "Angelina your birth mother is my mom which makes us sisters. You're my younger sister and I would do anything for as soon as I found out who you really were. So that's why I'm willing to do this. You are the only family I have left.. I won't lose you.. Again. I can't I just can't." She looked shocked as tears were forming in her eyes they were glassy and about to break. "5 min are up!"

Atticus came in and yanked my shirt pulling me away from her. Angel reached out to me but Atticus prevented her from hugging me instead he knocked her out by a big bunch to her gut.
"No!!" I yelled as she was knocked out, her body was limb as she dropped to the ground. I glared at Atticus. "That was not in the deal!" I yelled at him. He smiled and yanked my arm, pulling me outta the room and heading outside.

Once we were outside the breeze felt good but made me shiver, he was serious in fighting me but something felt odd.... Why would he fight me IF he knew that he has spells that make him more powerful than me and he could beat me easily. We were outside and now we were going in circles looking at each other and testing one another. "Why are you really fighting me?" He put on a confused look but I k ew he was lying. "Don't give me that crap, what are you up too? Both of us know that you can beat me is a split second with the spells who hold.. What's your real goal?"

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