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I looked at her in shock, I didn't know this was her daughter. "She was in a private school but It was getting hard for me to pay it so I transferred her here, but I see what a big mistake this was." She said crying, I didn't know what to say , She looked up at me and she stroked my cheek, my eyes started to water. Mother always did that to me when I was smaller. "She reminds me so much of you, that's why I always smile when I saw you at school." She said quietly. I shook the warm feeling of knowing if I got to close I would get hurt again but since I didn't want to be rude I gave her supporting words I think. "This girl, your daughter was a victim and so was I, as long as she goes to this school I will make it my priority to protect her."

I said firmly. The woman's tears dried up and her eyes showed gratitude and happiness. I smiled as well and placed the girl on the long couch. "The ambulance should be here any minute." I nodded and stared at this girls body. Soon the bell rang, and I had completely forgotten about class, knowing these nosy high schoolers everyone would want to know why there was an ambulance here, and I was right. After about 3 minutes the officer came in with all the girls in the bathroom and here came the bunch of high schoolers peering through the office seeing who was there. When they saw me they started whispering and talking amongst themselves. I looked at the crowd and I could see everyone in whom I left.

There were all of them: Luke, Lucas, Richard, Kayla, Sam, and Johan.

I looked at Johan intensely and he did too when he saw my cuts and bruises and where I was bleeding he shook his head in disbelief but more importantly he looked angry and his eyes turned slowly black. Kayla saw this and immediately tried to calm him but he wouldn't move when she pushed him instead he growled. I, in my whole life was frightened and that's saying something because i never get scared. I started to back away and I slowly turned around and I saw the ambulance was here.

They went to me first. "Ma'am, are you hurt?" They asked me. I nodded but moved out the way so they could see who was actually really injured. "I am injured but, I think she needs more help then I do." They nodded so fast that I thought their neck would break. They got a bed and carried her into the ambulance car. Then they came for me. I insisted for them not to carry me into a bed but they said something like I was so into the fight that I didn't even feel the places that really hurt so I ended up going in the ambulance car in a bed and from there I went to sleep.

Time skip.

I opened my eyes and winced as the white light hit me. I got confused in where I was but when I heard a beeping sound it indicated me that I was in the hospital, I adjusted my eyes to the light and looked around. I was in a robe or like dress/huge shirt, that probably was the hospitals. Immediately my head started pounding and my side started aching, I held my side and remembered what happened and why I was hurt I focused on The bed it was comfortable and warm. I noticed that my hair had been takin out of my braids and now my hair was curly and scattering everywhere. I laid looking at the ceiling reflecting on life, I hope that girl is ok, I said to myself. I soon covered my eyes with the inside of my elbow so it kinda looked like I was dabbing. My eyes where closed and I was drifting back to sleep when, I heard a knock on the door.

I thought I was imagining it but the person knocked again, "come in!" I yelled with my position still the same. The door opened, "You have some visitors Ms.Catalan, may they come in?" I laughed a little. "What kind of joke is this? But ok whatever let them in." I said with a smile on my face. I peeked through a little whole through my elbow as I saw the doctor was getting my so called "visitors." The door opened once again and through the hole I could make out that it was Johan and the others! I immediately panicked but tried to seem like I didn't know anything so I closed my eyes and kept that smile that I had and faked that I didn't know that they where here.

Once I heard them sit down I began to talk. "I don't know what kind of joke or prank you guys are planning but I know I don't have people who care about me so tell me what you want and scarm." I said harshly keeping that smile on my face. "How do you know there where more of us?" That voice... It was Sam's voice. "Um, because I heard more then one chair move duh!" I said. "Now that you said what you wanted you can leave." I said waving my hand shooing them away, but none of them moved. "We are the FBI and we want to ask a few questions." That voice was Richards. I smirked. "You're not fooling me, I know exactly who you guys are no need in hiding it." There was a quiet long silence. "Why did you follow me?" No one answered and I was getting mad. "I did ask a question didn't I?!" I removed my arm from my eyes and looked at all of them.

They had guilt all over their eyes but I didn't care. "Because we missed you." Richard said simply. I relaxed a little and sighed. I got up slowly so my side wouldn't hurt as much and walked over to Kayla. She looked up at me then back at the ground, I looked angrily at her but when I kneeled down and hugged her I knew it surprised her. She hugged me back squeezing the side that I got hurt in so I started whimpering. She realized this and let go. I stood up and shook her hair. I made Lucas and Luke stand up and I hugged them both. They did too but soon started fighting because one wanted more of me then the other.

After I gave them a hug I went to Richard and he had his arms extended for a hug. "Oh you!" I said teasingly before wrapping my arms around his torso. He swooshed me softly side to side. After my long hug with Richard I went to Johan.

He had black bags under his eyes and he was out of energy. I hugged him too and he put his chin on my head.

I didn't say anything but walked out the room they all looked at me with confusing looks. I looked for her room and once I found it I went in. She was awake and alive. She recognized me and immediately pressed her back against the wall shaking in fear. I walked up to her and sat in the chair next to her bed once she realized that I wasn't going to hurt her she calmed down and looked at me. "No need to be afraid, I'm actually the one who saved you from your death." She looked at me wide eyed and looked interested in what I was going to say next.

"Rejoice, because from today I will be your knight in armor and protect you from all harm." She looked surprised but smiled a little. "All I need is your name." She looked at me and wondered whether to tell me or not. She moved a strand of hair from her face. "It's Angelina." I looked at her wide eyed and she looked curious in why I was in shock.

No! I won't be able to say her name without me crying because that name was my mothers.

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