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I felt.. Cold. I shivered I tried to move my hands but they were tied and so where my feet, I was lucky I could open my eyes and see a room and there was sunlight coming through the windows and curtains. I was surprised that the room was neat and organized. I thought of the events of last night and immediately I start panicking and wiggle in the chair, but it's no use. My hands and feet start aching like crazy and I have to hold in the pain I have on my head. I hear footsteps coming towards the door so I pretend that I'm still knocked out so I have a little bit more time to figure out what's going on. I hang my head down as the doorknob slowly turns and I have open my eye to see legs and shoes plus jeans. This guy must be in his early 20, he walks toward what he thinks is a knocked out body.

He grabs my shoulder and yanks me back, so I'm leaning on the chair. I don't even peek through my eyes just to play it cool. He studies I think my face because his hand is still on my shoulder. "Well aren't you the exact replica of Lady Angelina?" The voice... It's so familiar, it's the voice from the phone calls I'm always getting. "You are as beautiful as her, that's why your going to stay with me forever and you will love me." He starts laughing. "Well I do need you to get conformable here so I'll go get you some of your favorite food. Hmm how does that sound?" He cups my check and kisses my forehead.

I felt disgusted but didn't do any sudden movements. With that he left the room, I waited patiently till I heard the engine of an car as it roared off. I open my eyes and searched the room to see my purse s few feet away from me. I wiggle my arms to get the ropes out of my hands. The ropes were tint so when they were sliding off it hurt like hell, but I got them out. I studied the rope burns I had on my wrists and remembered what I was going to do, I lean and grab my purse and start digging in if I could find my phone and sure enough it was there. I grabbed the precious thing in my hands and start dialing Richards number. It rang and rang and in my head I was like 'pick up, pick up!' He finally picked up.

"Kahli?! Where the hell are you!!? You didn't even take your car! Did you go barefoot?" I was relieved and disappointed to hear his voice again. "Look Richard, right now I have a little time to explain what happened, you need to find me I was just kidnapped by the psycho who gave me the creepy calls. Please come as soon as you can!" My voice started breaking. "Ok alright babe just share your location, you press the details button on the messaging thing on my name and the share location will appear so do that so I can come look for you." I went to my home screen and did exactly that, I saw that it was sending so I calmed down a bit knowing Richard will come and finds me. "I sent it where am I?" He took a while to respond but I could here a car pulling up in the driveway. "Richard hurry up he's coming!" "You're in Montana in the middle of forests and nowhere!?" I panicked as I heard the front door open. "Ok I love you, come help me please!" And with that I hanged up.

I put my phone in t and in the front of my jeans, which the shirt was hiding. I loosened up the ropes and put my hands through and left everything precisely where it was supposed to be. The foot prints sounded closer, I started panicking and my palms started sweating, I started getting dizzy, shaking came soon after, the doorknob slowly opened revealing a familiar face. "Well well well I see that you're finally awake my princess." I growl as I've always hated the nickname princess. "What do you want?" I said. His eyes and hair were very familiar, he was kneeling before me and I was just staring trying to remember where I have seen him. "Do I look familiar?" He says smirking. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him straight in the eye. "Who are you?" I asked.

He looked at me deep in my eyes and he approached my face. "My name is Atticus Mathew Gonzalez." He smirked and then I realized who he was. "I'm not technically Johan but I'm from another earth that came here, and used a potion to convince your mom that I was her mate but all I wanted to do was rule her pack and control them into using a forbidden curse called The moons sacrifice a curse only held by werewolves. Me myself was a werewolf but since I was from another world I didn't know anything. This curse holds the power of inmortality and strength. With this I will never die and I'll be the strongest man alive, oh and to rule the world." He smiles like his plan was actually going to work. I shake my head and laugh. "Then why am I here then?!"

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