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school tomorrow. its kinda funny when you're not as depressed or suicidal as you were but like your thought process is still like if i kill myself i won't have to go to school tomorrow or get out of bed. its funny how mundane this way of thinking is to me. its funny how so not fucking funny it is.

but im probably being over dramatic.

im tired but can't be arsed to sleep. too tired to sleep.
when did i turn into a grandma?
its just 1 o'clock.
the drugs make me sleepy. even after being fully rested i still feel exhausted? and the amount of dreams im having. i haven't told my psychiatrist because she'll probs take me off them, but through my constant dreaming i find myself escaping and living more vicariously within than without. i actually talk to people in my dreams, and people talk back. thats how i know they're just dreams lmao.

this is been a long update. just me reading probs. nice to let this shit out.
goodnight xo

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