national gf day fml

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happy national gf day lmao im spent my whole day crying at glee alone with the door locked wby?

im so fucking alone i have gave up on anyone truly liking me. not even my family like me and why should they? im obnoxious and i sing along to disney movies really badly and i try to do the foreign bits but im p sure im just making up words.

im kinda very ugly and im the size of most 10 year olds. i didnt even go to prom. and no one missed me?
the closest to a friend i have is my mam and she doesn't know about how much i fancy all the girls in skins so..

so yeah this day is nearly over thank god. im trying to be all miss independent but theres a difference between independence and been alone. ive just gotta give up the act that I'm strong when im not.

no one even reads this anymore.
im not that quirky girl i pretend to be.
i hurt all the time and i deal with it by being alone and pushing everyone away and now i dont even have to push them away. my personality does it for me.

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