August 24, 2013 ~ Pain is a Price

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     Falling in love can be amazingly beautiful and unbearably ugly all at the same time. It is incredible to love someone and be cared for in return, but sometimes, the sacrifice hurts like hell. Sometimes the sacrifice comes in the form that you must give up something to make your love work, but other times, the sacrifice is giving up the very person you love if that’s what is best for him or her. Letting go is difficult, but it is also sometimes the greatest act of love and sacrifice both.

      And that’s what love is all about, isn’t it? Sacrifice? I feel that it is.

     I feel that sacrifice is the ultimate expression of true love. This is the surest way to determine the true depth of one’s feelings, because it is selfless. Love is selfless, sacrifice is selfless. The only way one can truly love and truly sacrifice is if they forget their own wellbeing for the wellbeing of the one they love.

     This will always be painful in some way, yes.

     But that’s love.

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