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Dean stares at Earl. "Well yeah we love hunting. Bucks, Deer, Birds. Even...Vampires", he says. Then he pulls out a shotgun and points it at Earl. "So maybe you won't mind telling us where that pack of Wendigos is." Earl staggers for a moment but then chuckles. "Oh please. Like a bullet can kill me. If you were really a good hunter, you'd know better.", he says. Dean smirks and chukles. "See. I am a good hunter, which means that these are not ordinary bullets my friend. No. These are silver bullets.", he tells Earl. Earl's eyes widen and he finally says," Fine. But I warn ya. There's a lot of scary things around town." Dean, Sam, and Cas look at each other. Then Dean turns back to Earl. "We like to call them 'Supernatural' things.'", he says, smirking. "Yep, definitely hunters.", Earl says, laughing. "Well first thing's first. Go find Mr. and Mrs. Woods. You'll get the idea from there. Now get put of here before I change my mind about killing you!" You all look at each other. Then we all go out and into the car. Dean stays behind, paying for his pie.

1 hour later...

You arrive at arrive beautiful blue house. "Okay what does this have to do with anything?", Johnny asks. Dean looks at him as if he just asked the dumbest question in the world. You laugh and so does Dean. Johnny glares at him. Dean coughs and says," Wendigos are people who starve for so long, that at one point they eat human flesh and turn into what they are now. We're here to find out if they're anywhere near." Johnny stares at dean, confused. "Why can't you just feed em your pie or something?", he asks. Dean gives him the look again. "Okay, first of all, we want one of them to come to us so we can kill it. Second of all and most important, nobody, and I mean nobody touches my pie.", he says. "Yes, Dean loves his pie. Although not as much as he loves women.", Cas says. "Cas you son of a b****!", Dean yells, his face firing red. "My father is not a female dog.", Cas states, matter-of-factly. Everyone laughs but Cas and Dean. Cas, of course because he's confused, but Dean, because he's trying to kill himself in the driver's seat.

Hope you liked this part. Added a bit of humor 😂❤. But keep reading and commenting. Love ya!

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