On Our Way

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"You can't do this!," I scream. "Oh but sweetheart, I already have!," He says while stiffling a laugh. "See I sense Sammy from a mile away! And right now? It's less than a mile.," He laughs and gets closer to me. "Oh really? Well you better hope they're not mad because if they are-" He interrupts me "WHAT?! They'll KILL me?! OH I'M SOOOO SCARED!!" He walks away and then comes back, getting in my face. "You are going to be the cause of their deaths. How does that feel Y/N? How does it feel to toy with people's hearts and then have them killed?" He says in my ear. "Bite me you son of a bitch.," I say, and before I know it there's a hand coming down on me. "AHH!," I scream in pain because of the force of the hit. "Don't ever talk to me that way again young lady. Is that any way to treat your father?" He says, his eyes turning yellow. "You. Are not. My father. You scumbag piece of-" he slaps me again. This time, blood comes put of my mouth. "Let's try that one more tim-" Before he knows it I spit the blood in his face. "Go back to hell." I say. He screams and throws a chair against the wall, breaking it. "I've tried being nice. I have TRIED. But no more mister nice guy Y/N. NO MORE!!" He yells, and then leaves and slams the door behind him. "Sam, Dean, Cas? Where are you?" I whisper as I let my head hang, blood dripping on my shirt. "Hurry."

The boys as they look for you everywhere...

"Damnit Cas! What do you mean you don't know where she is?! Use some of your angel mojo or something!", Dean screams at Castiel. "Dean you need to calm the hell down man you're scaring me.," Sam says. "How do you want me to calm down Sammy?! Y/N is missing and its OUR fault! We should've been watching her!" He yells and hits the steering wheel in frustration. "Dean I think Sam is right you should calm down. We will find her. I sense her nearby I just can't quite pin it down" Cas says. "Well we'll scour every inch of land around her till we find her because she's our responsibility." Sam says. "Hold on Y/N. We're coming for you. Just hold on." Dean says, as they ride off.

Hello everyone. Wow I have not posted in a very long time but I feel I will be posting more and more as I have now rewatched supernatural and come up with some new ideas. Hopefully you enjoy. Love you!

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