What's Happening?!

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We all get in the car the next day and head off. Cas sits in the back with me while Sam and Dean are in the driver an passenger seats. I feel awful. From now on no falling in love with the extremely hot guys you're hunting demons with. Ever. "How's it going back there?", Dean asks. "It's not like I can die in the backseat of a car Dean.", I say, instantly regreting how I talked back. I see a look of pain on his face, but I can't be nice. I have to let all of this behind me. All of it, and concentrate on why this shapeshifter knows who I am, and what it wants. Sam looks at me and studies me carefully. I roll my eyes and look out the window. "Are you okay Y/N ?", Cas asks with a worried look on his face. "Yeah.", I say. And that's all I say for the rest of the trip.

Upon our arrival...

We get to a town called HillWater. Sam and Dean both rush to open the door for me, and start bickering about who got there first. I open the door myself and say,"I don't need any help from you. I can open a simple door.", I say, feeling horrible inside. I walk away and into a nearby store to get some water. Everyone's still outside. Talking and trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I grab a water and go to the front desk. There's a young man there. His name tag says Arnold. "Hi, will this be all?", he asks. "Yeah.", I respond. And turn to Sam, Dean and Cas. They're still talking. "It's a shame that they all love you isn't it. Y/N?", a voice says. I turn to see that Arnold... Isn't Arnold anymore. I barely have enough time to scream when I fall into darkness.

I've passed out. I can't feel a thing. Great. Second time I get kidnapped. Yippi-Kayay.

I open my eyes and see Arnold in front of me. "Where. Where am I?", I ask, my throat sore. He laughs. "The important question is, 'How long have you been here?'", he starts laughing. How long HAVE I been here? Where the hell am I? What IS he?!

He brings me water. I finally ask the question. "How long have I been here?", I ask. "Oh not that long just a week.", he says chuckling. "Oh you should see how those little friends are looking for you. They're like mice running after cheese.", he brings the water to your lips. You drink some. "Good thing you're drinking water.", he says. "It would a shame if you d-" You spit it at him. He yells and throws the chair he is sitting on. "I am feeding you, giving you water, giving you everything you need to survive, and this is how you treat me?!", he screams, his eyes turning yellow. My eyes widen with horror. "What are you?!", I yell. He gets close to my face and whispers, "You're worst nightmare.", then his eyes come back to normal and he leaves, slamming the door shut.

What the hell is happening? Cas, Sam, Dean. Please find me...

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been writing for a loooong time. But I am now and I can't believe so many people are reading my story! Thank you so much and make sure to keep reading! ❤

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