The Rescue..sort of.

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"Where are they?! They should have already gotten here, considering I have their precious Y/N," Ezaezel screams in desperation. I smirk a little. "What? Your plan isn't going as well as you thought?," I say. He turns around and glares at me. I feel like I can't breathe and I start gasping for air. He grabs my neck and gets close. "You won't be saying stupid things when I slaughter your precious friends in front of you," he whispers. He lets go and I can finally breathe again. I look down for a moment and then look up to see Ezaezel laughing. "What are you laughing at?!", I scream. He stops abruptly and his eyes turn a light yellow. He vanishes into the darkness. "Do you remember your friend Johnny? how you turned him down for people you had just met? How he loved you, but you decided to be a heartless b*tch?," I hear Ezaezel's voice, but can't see him. "Y/N?," you hear a whisper. That's not Ezaezel's voice. That's-. Ezaezel suddenly pulls a beaten up Johnny out with him. He's bleeding and his clothes are torn. "What did you do to him?! You monster!," I scream. I try pulling at my ropes to get out and help Johnny. "Y/N, it's okay. It's okay," Johnny barely gets the words out. I feel the tears rolling down my face as I see him cough up more blood. "Johnny I'm gonna get you out of this okay?," I turn to Ezaezel. "Let him go!," I yell and pull at my ropes again. He laughs while slowly taking out a knife. "You see Y/N, everyone around you dies. Your mom, your friends. Everyone. And you have been annoying me lately, so I'm gonna make that keep happening." My eyes widen with fear as I realize what he's going to do. "No! No! Stop! Please!'" I feel my voice breaking, tears falling down my cheeks. I look at Johnny one more time. "I love you," he says. He smiles, and then I turn to see Ezaezel put the knife to his neck. I let out a cry of despair as he slits Johnny's throat right in front of me. He throws Johnny's body on the floor and I whimper while crying as I stare at Johnny's lifeless body. I can't breathe. The whole world just stops. One of my closest friends just died. And it's all my fault. The tears keep falling down the sides of my face. Everything gets dark as I pass out from exhaustion. The last thing I see is Ezaezel smiling down at me. 

The boys' point of view...

Dean turns onto a road and Cas tells him to stop. Dean turns sideways and looks up, only to see something he never thought he'd see again. Cobwebs were scattered everywhere as the paint from the wood was chipping off. It was as if there was no life anymore in what used to be called a home. Sam turned and looked at Dean. "Dean. Is that-," Dean interrupts him. "Our old house," he barely whispers. "Yup, this is where mom died". Sam speaks, his voice breaking slightly. "I never thought we'd be back here". A long and awkward pause fills the interior of the Impala. Cas breaks the silence. "I feel her. She's in there". He points at the small window near the bottom of the house. "The basement window". Dean raises and eyebrow. Sam's face changes completely. "Dean? What the hell is that?". Dean sees it too. A pair of yellow eyes peeping through the window. They all blink and rub their eyes to see if it was real, only to look again and see that the eyes had vanished. "That's..", Dean's voice cracks. Sam suddenly gets a worried look on his face, "Ezaezel?.. It- It can't be.." Cas interrupts (like friggin' always). "Actually it is very possible, because you have yet to encounter the demon that killed your mother again. And you still haven't found your father. I would say there is great chance that's Ezaezel." Sam and Dean glare at Castiel. "We really need to lecture you on when it's appropriate to say certain things", Dean says. "C'mon. Let's go get Y/N back", Sam says as he sighs. 

Back to your point of view...(you awaken)

"Well what do you know? I think your rescue team has arrived." Ezaezel looks down at me and grins uncontrollably. 

"Sam! Dean! Ca-!" a sharp slap goes across my face.

"Shut up you stupid dog!!" Ezaezel yells at me in frustration, then looks out the window in panic.

"I thought you said you weren't scared?" I grin as I spit out the blood that was starting to fall from a cut he gave me.

"Shut up." he threatens as he put his hands around my neck, choking me. We suddenly hear footsteps approaching.

"Y/N, where are you?" I hear Dean's raspy voice calling out to me. He sounds like he's in anguish. 

Ezaezel covers my mouth with his other hand and gives me a look to stay quiet. I don't listen though. With as much effort as I can, I let out a muffled scream. Hoping that at least out of the three, one can hear me.

"Y/N?!", I hear Cas's voice. 'Thank God,'  I Think, (no pun intended) as I try to scream louder. 

Ezaezel panics. He smacks me again. 

BANG! The door falls down, revealing Dean, a look on his face that I have never seen before. 

"You get away from her you yellow eyed son of a b*tch!", I heard. I look over to see Cas standing on the stairs, glaring at Ezaezel. Suddenly Sam runs up behind Dean and sees me. Dean holds him back. They all notice the blood running down my lips and the amount of anger in their eyes scares me. 

"Help.." I barely get the words out. Ezaezel has a look of panic in his eyes, but he tries to play it  cool. 

"Hey girls? What took you so long? I was afraid you wouldn't show up and I'd have to play with my new little toy a little while longer.", he grins. 

Dean lunges at him, but the lights suddenly turn off. Ezaezel's voice can still be heard. "But I guess I'll just have to play with you."

I thank TheTomorrowLover because she helped me a lot with this one. Go check out her page(her stories are amazing) and I hope you enjoy this one! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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