We arrive at Waterdale

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Dean stops the car at a gas station next to a sign that says "Waterdale". We all get off. "Nice place.", Dean says. "Sure, but why are we here again?", asks a very annoyed Johnny. "There have been reports of bear attacks near here.", Sam says. "What does that have to do with the Wendigo?", you ask. "In every attack, police say they found no tracks whatsoever of any animals.", Cas says, as if that doesn't make it more confusing. You and Johnny stare at him blankly. "That means it wasn't attacks ny bear. It was a Wendigo.", he answers, a bit annoyed. "Wait, how did it get here so fast?", you ask. "It didn't. There has to be a pack of 'em out here somewhere, and I bet it's heading this way right now.", Dean says. You see a strange man at the window in the gas station. He quickly walks back to the counter when he sees you looking. "Hey. Look.", you say, and point to the man. Dean smirks. "Looks like we're gonna have to do some interrogations today.", he says.

You all walk to the gas station. Dean walks inside like there's nothing wrong, but Johnny won't shut up. "I still don't get why we have to come here. I'm not even hungry.", he says. "Johnny, I don't mean to be rude. But SHUT UP!", Cas screams, and quickly returns to his normal self and walks over to Dean. Johnny just stares, wide eyed. You can't hold your laughter in. Dean looks at you, and for a moment, you see him smile. No, not smirk like he always does. Smile. You stare at him, bewildered. He sees you and straightens out his face and coughs as if he as if he's embarrassed. He grabs some pie and a coke and walks up to the counter. "Interesting fact about Dean. Even though he loves girls, I mean he shows it by bringing one almost every hunt we go on. I can't sleep cause of him at night. But he loves pie more. Trust me.", Cas says. Dean's face reddens. You feel your face getting hot by the second. "Are ya gonna pay or that?", the man behind the counter says, chuckling. His name tag says Earl. "Um, yeah-", Dean looks at his tag. "Earl." Earl checks the pie and coke. While he does that, Dean takes put a paper clip and pricks his finger. A drop of blood pours out. Earl starts shaking. He smells- no sniffs- the air. He closes his eyes and turns towards Dean. You and Johnny stare in suspension, wondering what will happen next. Earl opens his eyes, suddenly a bright red. He only says one word, but it's enough for all of you to stop talking and stare in terror.


In his eyes, you could see it wasn't going to be easy getting out of that gas station.

Thanks for reading guys. Decided to leave you on a cliff hanger, make it more interesting. I would love if you commented.

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