We'll Protect You

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You get out of the car and look up at the house. "Okay is it just me or does anyone else think that there can't possibly be any type of dangerous 'thing' in this calm neighborhood?", you say. Dean laughs and Cas walks up to you. "I don't mean to be rude, but did you not see us almost get attacked by a vampire back there?", he asks. "Perhaps she doesn't feel well.", he tells Sam and Dean. Sam starts laughing. You look him in the eye. He stops laughing and says, "Well I mean we did just encounter a vampire. You should know there has to be supernatural things out here." I sigh. "Okay, okay. Lets go meet these flesh eating people." You all walk inside. They let you go first. You know they're kind of scared, but it's mostly because they're gentlemen.

Dean turns to close the door but sees it's already closed. "What the-", he stops in mid sentence. You turn and ask, "What?" He looks everywhere, then gets in front of you as if protecting you and pulls out his gun. Jhonny sees this and pulls you away from him. Dean glares, but then focuses on the roof. Thump. Thump. Thump. We all stare. Silence."Y/N!", Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jhonny scream in unison. You're about to fall when Sam dives on the floor and catches you. You open your eyes slightly and look into his glistening beautiful brown eyes. "Are you okay?", he asks, a worried look on his face. "Yeah.", you say and grab your head. "Ugh. My head hurts." Then, all of a sudden you feel yourself rising from the ground. Sam is carrying you. You place your head on his chest. You can feel his heartbeat. He smells so beautiful. Wait. What?! Snap out of it! You open your eyes and say, "It's okay I can walk." He looks at you and smiles. He keeps walking and lays you down on the couch. Dean watches, his face in a scowl. Jhonny is about to say something when Cas says,"We better see who's home." Dean walks past Sam, bumping into him. Jhonny does the same. "Go help them. I'll stay with her.", Cas says. Sam hesitates but then leaves. Cas sits down and watches you awkwardly. "Um, I don't know if the Winchesters have told you, but I'm a- well. An angel.", he says. You stare at him and smile. "No wonder you look like the innocent one of the gang.", you laugh. He smiles and you see a small blush on his cheeks. He stands up and sees a blanket so he brings it over. He covers you with it and he gets really close without noticing. He looks at you. Your eyes meet and you stay there for a while. He leans in, but you hear Jhonny scream, "What the hell are you doing?!" Cas makes and annoyed face and gets up. "Taking care of her and protecting her from any harm. Are you against me doing that?", he says. You stare at Cas. Just standing there. So tall and graceful. You snap out of it as Jhonny pulls you put of the couch and into his arms. "She. Is my girl.",he says. You look at him confused. You pull away. "Excuse me?",you ask. "When did we establish I was yours? Or did you just decide that because we kissed? Im sorry Jhonny. You are my best friend, and you saved my life, but that does not make me yours.",you say, annoyed by his action. He says,"You're right. I'm sorry. But mark my words I will gain your love Y/N. Because I love you." Cas coughs, interrupting. "We should get going.", he says. Johnny glares at him. You grab Cas's hand and take him with you. You're upset with what Jhonny did. He treated you like an object! He follows you and Cas. You meet with Sam and Dean. They're in a room full of dolls. Lifesized dolls."Why does it stink in here?", you ask. "How bad can dolls smell?!" Dean says,"Oh no honey. These aren't dolls." You look closely and see a bug crawling out of one of the doll's eyes. You let out a yelp and hug Cas tightly. Until then does Dean realize you had been holding Cas's hand. He coughs loudly. You let go of Cas and straighten out. Sam laughs, his gorgeous, perfect smile showing.
He looks at you and smirks. Oh no. I was staring. Damn it Y/N! You pretend not to see him smiling at you and ask,"Why are all these here?" Dean chuckles. "Why do you think?", he asks in his rough, low voice. You roll your eyes. "Lets go check the other rooms.", says Cas. You all nod and proceed. Jhonny stays quiet the whole time. You hear something move and automatically turn in the noise's direction. Out of the corner of your eye, you see an old lady. "Guys", you say in a whisper. Dean steps in front of you. There's a door. He opens it very slowly. He takes a step inside. All of a sudden,something grabs him. Then Sam amd Cas. Jhonny runs towards you but gets pulled back and dissapears. You stand there. Not knowing what to. All of a sudden, something gooey drops in front of you. You start shaking. You look up slowly, and terrified. You only let out one last scream before the same creature you saw that camping trip night, drags you across the floor off to somewhere you'll never forget. All you can hear is your screams and its growls in the distance. Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jhonny shouting out to you. You close your eyes. Thinking. This is the end.

Hi guys. Made this one longer cause I haven't posted in a while. And also left you on a cliffhanger. So yaaaay. 😜💜. Keep commenting. Love you!

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