Camping trip gone wrong Pt. 2: Meeting Dean... Sort of.

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You yawn and Johnny does the same. "Okay Johnny you don't have to copy me.", you joke. "Wow Y/N.", Johnny chuckles. "Alright guys I'm super sleepy. So I'm gonna hit the hay.", he says. "Same here.", you yawn once more. You and Johnny walk to the tents together while trying to ignore the singing of K-I-S-S-I-N-G in the background. "Goodnight Johnny.", you say, and head into the tent. You lay down, and drift off.

Two hours later...

You awake and bolt up. You hear heavy breathing outside and you cover your mouth, not making a sound. The breathing stops after a while. You hear footsteps getting more and more distant. You crawl outside and see nobody. "Johnny? Bri? Karla?", you whisper. "Y/N! Over here!", you hear Johnny's voice. You look everywhere and see him behind some bushes. You crawl to him. "Johnny what the hell is going on?!", you ask. He shushes you as the footsteps become louder. "Y/N.", he takes a deep breath. "I'm gonna do something so you can get out of here safe. Okay? But promise me. Promise me that you will run, and not turn back." Hey looks you in the eyes and kisses you. "I love you Y/N. Never forget that." Then all of a sudden the footsteps stop. "John-" he covers your mouth. "Shhhh." He kisses you one more time and runs out in the open. "JOHNNY!", you scream in vain. A giant creature jumps on top of him. He turns to look at you. "RUN!" You start running, tears pouring out of your eyes. You keep running. You don't look back. You run out of breath and stop. You don't know where you are. You're lost. Then, you hear a rustling in the bushes. A dark figure comes out from behind a tree as if it was hiding. You take a step backwards, tripping on a rock. You slide backwards towards a tree and cover your eyes bracing yourself for the worst. Nothing. You uncover your eyes to see a pair of green eyes looking down at you. He gets you by the hand and picks you up. "Follow me.", the strange man says. He starts pulling you by the arm, but you slip out of his grasp. You wipe your tears. "I have to help Johnny.", you say. "Do you have a phone?! We have to call the police!" He looks at you. "No can do." You stare at him in disbelief. You glare at him and start walking away. He reaches out and grabs you. You turn around. He sighs. "My name's Dean Winchester. And fine. I'll help your friend."

30 mins later...

"Are you sure he was here?", Dean asks. "Yes of c-" "Y/N!", a familiar voice screams. It's Johnny. "JOHNNY!" You run into his arms, wiping his tears off. "Thank God you're okay". Johnny almost kisses you when all of a sudden Dean coughs. Very loudly. "Oh Johnny this is Dean. Dean this is Johnny.", you say. Dean and Johnny glare at each other for a moment. Dean breaks the silence. "C'mon. Let's get you out of here."

Hope you like the second part. I'll keep posting love ya!

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