Side chapter thingy

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Hi I thought I'd do this side chapter thing, it's not relevant to the actual story but I had this idea in my head and I didn't know how to add it to the story so... Yeah this was made, I'll admit it's a bit crap but oh well thanks for reading :)

Draco's eye twitched in annoyance as he watched his (Male Name) lavish the small cat (which he somehow found) in his arms with love as he sat ignored , his dislike of cats skyrocketing. "You're so cute, (cat name), I could cuddle you all day!" The rather unmanly baby-talking (Male Name) was doing to the uncomfortable looking cat caught Draco's attention, as he got even angrier. 'Where the hell did he even find that thing anyway" Draco thought.
The snooty look the cat gave him every single time he locked eyes with it, He didn't know the gender, nor did he care to, it seemed as if it exuded an air of superiority, which irked Draco so much he avoided looking at it, lest he act on his urge to toss it out the window and possibly in the black lake.
But the more Draco watched (M/N) play with  the cat, and the more he was ignored, he grew more and more frustrated, until he couldn't take it. He abruptly stood from the sofa nearly knocking a table over, and pushed the cat from (M/N)'s lap. Before he could even make a noise of protest, Draco had slammed his lips onto his, making the other's mind go blank. The kiss was far from gentle, but was rough, sloppy, and dominating, An attempt to show (M/N) just who he belonged to. Not that he particularly minded though, Personally he thought it was pretty damn attractive when Draco got like this.
When the kiss ended Draco still held (M/N) in his arms, resting his chin on his shoulder. "I am not letting any girl take you and I'm not letting any boy take you and I sure as hell am not letting a damn cat take you from me." Draco muttered possessively, still holding his love close and pointedly glaring at the cat over (M/N)'s shoulder. (M/N) sighed, half-wanting to laugh, and half-wanting to smack Draco over the head for being so jealous to think that the cat was stealing him away.
"Do you want me to make it up to you?" (M/N) asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at Draco, who held him just a little bit tighter, smirking as well. .
"I'd like that very much." He purred, leading his love out of the room, while the cat just stared.

I will add an actual chapter soon, hope you liked this though and thanks for 7k views that's insane. Bye :)

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