Part 25

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(Harry's POV)
The next morning
Everyone was in the great hall eating breakfast when Harry saw Cedric approaching him.
Harry's heart sped up as Cedric got closer to the table.
Hermione and Ron noticed Harry acting weird and looked at him suspiciously.
"Harry are you ok? You look a bit panicked." Hermione said studying Harry's face.
"Oh yes! Of course I am." Harry exclaimed when suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder.
Harry looked up and saw Cedric towering over him.
"Excuse me Harry can I talk to you for a moment?" Cedric asked in a soft voice.
"Sure lets go." Harry said blushing hard.
Cedric smiled and took Harry's hand as he lead him out of the great hall.
As they were leaving Harry looked over and noticed that Draco and (M/N) were smirking at them.
Cedric took Harry to an empty corridor and pinned him to the wall.
"So Harry someone told me that you might have a little crush on me, is it true?" Cedric whispered in his ear.
Harry blushed and shyly nodded his head looking at the floor.
"Well it just so happens that I might have a little crush on you too." Cedric smirked.
Harry had a sudden burst of confidence and grabbed Cedric's cheeks and kissed him.
As they were kissing they didn't notice (M/N) and Draco peeking around the corner quietly giggling to themselves.
Draco and (M/N) were heading to potions class when they saw Harry in front also walking to class, they both ran to catch up with Harry.
"Hey Harry so what's up with you and Cedric?" (M/N) smirked poking Harry's shoulder playfully.
Harry blushed again. "You were right (M/N) he does like me and we're going on a date next week." Harry mumbled hoping no one else could hear.
"That's great! Maybe now you can stop hitting on my boyfriend." Draco said putting his arm around (M/N).
"Draco don't be mean, don't worry Harry he's only joking." (M/N) said pinching Draco's side softly to get him to be quiet.
Harry just awkwardly laughs as they walk into the classroom.
Draco and (M/N) decided to go for a walk outside, they cuddled close to each other as it was a bit cold when suddenly they heard two voices.
They both looked around the corner and saw Hermione and Ron approaching, thankfully they didn't see them yet so Draco and (M/N) decided to hide behind a nearby wall when they walked past.
"I don't know what's wrong with Harry lately, he's been acting so weird and now he's being distant too I just don't understand it." Hermione complained to Ron.
"I don't know either and we're supposed to be his best friends, you don't think it has something to do with Voldemort do you?" Ron asked worriedly.
"I don't know for sure but we need to find out quickly."
Draco and (M/N) turned to look at each other after they had just eavesdropped their conversation.
"Do you think Harry will ever tell them that he's dating Cedric." Draco asked.
"Maybe but it'll probably end up slipping out accidentally, I doubt Harry would actually tell them." (M/N) watching Ron and Hermione disappear out of sight.
"Well it better accidentally slip out quick because they're already sticking their noses into other people's business, it's only a matter of time before they find out about us." Draco mumbled.

To be continued....
I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it wasn't that eventful but more will be coming soon and possibly a sequel when this books ended, if you would want one anyway.
Thanks for reading :) bye.

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