Part 27

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Harry's POV

Cedric took Harry into the hufflepuff common room to calm down.
"Ssh it's ok Harry I'm sure they aren't going to judge you, Hermione and Ron are nice people." Cedric said hugging Harry.
Harry sniffles and nodded realising that he didn't give his best friends a chance to react.
"Yeah I should probably go and talk to them." Harry mumbled quietly into Cedrics shoulder.
"Do you want me to come with you?." Cedric asked.
"Yes please I need you." Harry said leaning up and pecking Cedrics lips.
Cedric kissed back smiling.
Harry and Cedric made their way to the gryffindor common room to find Ron and Hermione.
As they walked in Harry was quickly pulled into a hug from Hermione with Ron stood behind her.
"Harry are you ok?! We didn't mean to make you upset!" Hermione fussed.
"Yeah we're sorry Harry we still love you." Ron smiled.
"Thanks guys that means a lot." Harry smiled back.
"Hey Cedric I didn't see you there." Hermione said looking behind Harry.
"Guys Cedric is my boyfriend." Harry said grabbing Cedrics hand.
"Aww that's so cute." Hermione beamed.
"You better not hurt him Cedric or you'll have to deal with me." Ron joked.
"Don't worry I won't." Cedric laughed.

Draco's POV

(M/N) and Draco were cuddling in Draco's bed.
"Do you think Harry's ok?" (M/N) asked worried about Harry.
"I hope so I mean Ron and Hermione don't seem like the type of people to judge." Draco said.
"Wow I never thought I'd hear you of all people say that." (M/N) giggled.
"Shut up." Draco said playfully shoving him.
"Seriously though I'm glad you're finally warming up to them." (M/N) smiled.
"Well I don't hate Harry anymore but I'm still not sure about the others." Draco admitted.
"Well at least you're trying." (M/N) kissed Draco's cheek.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading :)

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