Part 5

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Omg I feel like such a bitch right now, I haven't updated since this time last month, I really am sorry it's just I had them exams and I've been really ill for about two weeks but anyways finally here's an update.

(Harry's POV)
'' Harry stood there in shock wondering if what he just saw was real or if he was dreaming.
'I have to tell Ron and Hermione' Harry ran to the gryffindor common room, as he arrived he saw his two best friends sat there doing homework, which basically means Hermione doing all the work while Ron just sits there.
"You will not believe what I just witnessed" Harry said excitedly as he sat down next to Ron.
"What?" Hermione said not looking up from her work.
"I just saw Draco and (male name) having sex!!"
"WHAT!" Ron shouted catching the attention of a few other students.
"Sshhh" Harry hissed. "Yeah I saw them just outside the forbidden forest when I went to look for them, and they were really going at it as well".
"Are you sure you saw them or is this a weird dream you were having?" Hermione asked not quite believing what she was hearing.
"Yes I'm sure I could hear it all and I'm surprised other people didn't hear it, Draco is loud". Harry said making a disgusted face.
"Well what are we gonna do Harry, should we tell the whole school, or worse tell Draco's father" Ron said quite liking the idea of destroying Draco's reputation.
"I don't know....I'd feel quite bad for (male name) because he's not THAT bad, in my opinion he just hangs around with the wrong people" Harry said thinking about what could come out of the situation.
"True..." Ron said a bit disappointed that his idea was shot down.
"I think you should keep it a secret" Hermione said butting in their conversation.
"Why would we do that?" Ron asked.
"Because if Draco ever does anything mean to us then we can use it for blackmail purposes" Hermione said confidently.
"That's a great idea!" Ron and Harry shouted at the same time.

(Male name) and Draco)~
(Male name) and Draco were sitting in the library trying to hide from people asking where they were all morning, they were behind a bookcase near the back of the library so no one would be able to see or hear them.
"You know I love you right?" Draco asked wanting to make sure his lover would never forget.
"Of course I know you do or why would we be here" (male name) said pecking his lips lightly.
"Do you love me?" Draco asked him this time just to make sure.
"Obviously you air head" (male name) laughed as he started kissing Draco as passionately as he could.
Now they were in the middle of a make out session nothing could stop them....

I'm sorry that was so shit I know, it's just I did this off the top of my head as you can probably tell lol.
I shouldn't say when I'm next going to update because I keep breaking my promises and i can't apologise enough for that, I'll TRY to update soon though maybe even at christmas as a christmas present maybe idk, bye :)
~ Drama llama

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