Part 18

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Draco and (M/N) woke up to the smell of breakfast and the loud humming of (M/N's) aunt Bella from the kitchen.
"Good morning Draco." (M/N) mumbled rubbing his eyes.
"Morning.." Draco groaned sitting up and pecking (M/N) cheek.
"We should go downstairs and see what's happening." (M/N) said standing up to change his clothes.
(M/N) and Draco got changed and headed downstairs.
"Morning boys! Come and have some breakfast!" Aunt Bella said putting the plates on the table.
(M/N) and Draco sat down, thanking Bella and started eating.
As they were eating they heard the front door being unlocked.
"Oh that must be Aedan!" Bella said as she stood up to greet him at the door.
"Who's Aedan?" Draco asked.
"My cousin I haven't seen him in a while now though, I'll be surprised if he actually remembers me." (M/N) said.
Bella and Aedan walked into the kitchen when suddenly Aedan ran forwards towards (M/N) and started hugging him.
"(M/N) I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?!" Aedan shouted in excitement.
"Just been busy with school and stuff..." (M/N) mumbled struggling to breathe because of the tight hug.
"Who's this?' Aedan said finally letting go and gesturing to Draco.
(M/N) and Draco made eye contact not knowing whether to tell Aedan.
"They're boyfriends!" Aunt Bella said sitting down next to Aedan.
"Wow really? I can't say I was expecting that but good for you two!" Aedan said smiling.
(M/N) and Draco let out a sigh of relief and thanked Aedan for being accepting.
"So what you doing here?" Aedan asked curious.
"A lot happened back at home and we basically ran away from it all it's a long story..." (M/N) said holding Draco's hand under the table.
"You can tell me I've got time." Aedan said reassuringly.
(M/N) explained the entire story to him.
"That's rough I'm so sorry that happened to you two." Aedan said without the usual cheeriness in his voice.
"It's ok it's not your fault." Draco said trying to fill the silence in the room.
"Draco! We need to write to Harry to let him know we are safe." (M/N) said.
"Why do we have to do that? we said we'd write if we needed help." Draco asked.
"Draco did you see how worried he looked when we left? It's only the write thing to do to put his mind at ease." (M/N) said persuading Draco.
"Ok fine..." Draco mumbled.
The letter read 'Hi Harry (M/N) and Draco here we just wanted to let you know that we are completely safe. We are staying at my aunt Bellas in New York so we're quite far away but we're safe so that's all the matters. See you soon, (M/N ) and Draco.'
(Back at Hogwarts)
Dumbledore sat in his office still trying to figure out where the boys had disappeared to when suddenly a knock came from the door.
"Come in" he said.
The door opened and Harry Potter slowly walked in with his head down, playing with his hands nervously.
"Yes Mr Potter is there something you'd like to tell me?" Dumbledore asked gently to not make the boy even more nervous.
"'s about (M/N) and Draco...I know where they are." Harry stuttered, his hands shaking.
"You do? Where are they?" Dumbledore asked quickly.
"I'm not supposed to tell you... they ran away... I don't know exactly where but they told me they would write to me..." Harry said still slightly nervous.
"Thank you Harry that is very useful information, we won't tell anyone just yet let's just wait to see if they write to you and then we'll take it from there. Don't worry I won't tell anyone you told me this." Dumbledore said.
"Thank you professor." Harry said leaving the room.
To be continued
Thank you for being patient with me and thanks for all the votes and reads :)

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