Part 21

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Bellas POV
Bella walked into the living room where everyone was waiting.
Mrs (L/N) looked up at her sister and stood up instantly walking up to her.
"Bella please tell me (M/N) is here." She begged her eyes tearing up.
"Yes he and Draco are here but I need to speak with all of you before you can see them." Bella said sternly glancing at each of them.
Mrs (L/N) let out a sigh of relief at knowing her son was safe.
Bella sat down on her chair studying everyone in the room.
"Right let's start from the beginning, what happened that started all of this mess?" Bella said.
"It started when I caught them kissing in their room..." Lucius spoke up looking down at his lap with no expression.
"Continue." She said slightly glaring at Lucius.
"Well I got angry at them and I started yelling at them..." he admitted still not looking at Bella.
"Lucius you have to understand it doesn't matter who they like all that matters is their happiness also it's not hurting anyone." Bella said calmly.
"I know I feel extremely guilty and I just want the boys to know that I'm not angry at them anymore if anything I'm angry at myself for reacting that way, I'm sorry I just want my son back." Lucius said finally looking up at Bella on the verge of tears.
"Lucius it's great that you're understanding and I'm sure the boys would forgive you." Bella said smiling.

(M/N), Draco and Aedan stood at the bottom of the stairs eavesdropping the conversation between them.
"So my father finally...understands?" Draco muttered in disbelief.
(M/N) also in disbelief nodded his head still shocked at what Lucius said.
"I think you should go in there and talk it out too." Aedan whispered ushering them into the room.

Bella POV
Suddenly (M/N) and Draco stumbled into the room with Aedan behind them giggling quietly.
"(M/N)!!" "DRACO!!" Mrs (L/N) and Narcissa shouted running up to the boys and gripping them in a tight hug.
"Do you know how worried about you both I was?" Mrs (L/N) said still tightly hugging him.
"Mum please I can't breathe..." (M/N) said struggling to catch his breath.
Mrs (L/N) gasped and let go immediately. "I'm sorry did I hurt you?" She panicked checking him over to make sure he was alright.
(M/N) hugged his mum for the first time since he was younger. "I'm fine mum don't worry." (M/N) said still in shock of how nice she was being.
"Draco don't do that again I was so worried." Narcissa said hugging Draco.
"Mum it's ok I'm fine i won't do it again." Draco hugged her back.
"I think we all need to talk about this and then we can go home." Dumbledore spoke up for the first time.
Draco and (M/N) turned to face Dumbledore and saw Harry sat next to him.
"Potter! So it was you who snitched on us!" Draco exclaimed.
"Draco calm down." (M/N) whispered grabbing his hand.

To be continued....
Sorry it's so short but I've been really busy this week dealing with an incident but I should be back to weekly updates. Thank you for reading and voting :) love you all bye

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