Part 4

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Hi sorry for not updating when I said I would I'm just really busy with exams and stuff so I'm kind of stressed but anyways on with the story :)

(Male name) woke up to a sleeping Draco, snoring softly (male name) couldn't help but laugh lightly at how cute and vulnerable Draco looked now compared to when he is around other people, (male name) felt honoured that he was the only person to see this.
"Ughh" Draco groaned as he opened his eyes slowly adjusting to the light.
"Good morning" (male name) said softly pecking Draco's lips.
"Morning" Draco said kissing (male name) back.
Draco wrapped his arms tightly around (male name) not wanting to let go.
"Do we have to get up? I really can't be arsed to go to class today" Draco grumbled while pouting.
(Male name) laughed "sadly yes, we still have to incase Pansy and Snape come looking for us, but lets go take a shower we really need one after last night" (male name) winked causing Draco to blush at the memory.
They both headed to the shower.
After the eventful shower they both got dressed and went down to breakfast.
Of course pug face was sat there again practically suffocating Draco with her hug.
"Hey Draco! How about today after classes we hang out alone and you can ditch that friend of yours" Pansy said giving (male name) a dirty look.
(Male name) was understandably angry and was really trying to contain his frustration.
"Maybe he doesn't want to be around his annoying clingy girlfriend" (male name) said gritting his teeth.
"Draco! He just insulted me! You're supposed to defend me!" Pansy said looking like she was about to cry while Draco just sat there wide eyed.
"Well Draco!" She practically yelled so the entire school including the teachers were now watching the event unfold.
"I-erm look Pansy I can't hang out today, maybe tomorrow or something...." Draco said nervously as the entire room was watching.
"FINE BE LIKE THAT!" Pansy stood up in tears and ran out of the hall, as her friends ran after her.
Draco got up and walked out as well motioning for (male name) to follow so they could speak in private.
Draco and (male name) walked out to the edge of the forbidden forest so they knew no one was listening.
"Why did you say that?" Draco asked frustrated.
"I said it because she deserved it and you were letting her touch you and you didn't disagree when she said you should ditch me" (male name) responded still angry.
"You know if I said anything people would automatically assume things and you also know that I love you and you only"
"I know...and I'm sorry" (male name) said as he looked down in guilt.
"Hey don't be upset, I have to admit i was glad you said something to get her away from me" Draco said smiling.
(Male name) laughed as he embraced Draco and pulled him into a long passionate kiss.
"Draco..." (Male name) moaned hotly while taking his clothes off as fast as he could.
Draco is flustered and panting. His finger fumbling with his belt as he hurried to remove his clothing. He finally gets his belt loose and pulls it off. (Male name) watches him pull the pants off and licks his lips and groans "ohh fuck Draco"
(Male name) pushes Draco onto the ground straddling him. Their lips meet immediately, deeply. Hands softly explore soft milky skin. (Male name) hands trail down Draco's sides and grabs his hips roughly. Draco didn't seem to mind the pain, mewling softly into (male name) mouth.
Draco's head fell back when (male name) rolled his hips into Draco's, their erections brushing together. Draco raises his hips to grind up into (male name) and he groans and continues to roll his hips roughly into Draco.
(Male name) then got up and made Draco get on his knees sitting up like a begging dog.
(Male name) pushed the head of his member into his hole but he doesn't enter Draco yet, teasing him. Draco gasped as the head barely enters and pulls back out. He begins to shake and moan, "(male name)....please". (Male name) cock twitches at Draco's pathetic begging. "How bad do you want it Draco?" (Male name) murmured into Draco's hot pale neck. " so bad (male name) p-please punish me" Draco rocked his hips back trying to get (male name) to fully enter him.
(Male name) had had enough foreplay and completely gave in and entered Draco all at once.
(Male name) kisses him while pushing himself in and out slowly. After a minute Draco gives the signal for (male name) to go faster. Draco gasps as his prostate is hit.
(Male name) can't contain the moan that was building, having Draco so completely undone underneath him was breath taking. As (male name) thrusts over and over they both can't contains their moans, "More (male name)!"
(Male name) pushed deep into him and cums hard as Draco cums at the same time.
(Male name) slowly pulls out as they are both panting hard with flushed faces.
"I think we're late for class" (male name) muttered as they both started putting their clothes back on.
"You think" Draco said sarcastically.
They headed back to the school trying not to be seen but what they didn't know was that a certain boy with a scar and round glasses had been looking for them and saw nearly everything.

Dun dun dun
Hey everyone sorry for not updating in forever but here's a lemon to make up for it :)
Hope you enjoyed it. There's obviously going to be a lot more drama in the next part so look forward to that.
Bye ~ Drama Llama 

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