Part 15

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(M/N) and Draco both woke up shielding their eyes from the sun shining through the broken window.
"Morning..." (M/N) grumbled rubbing his eyes.
"Ugh it's too early." Draco groaned sitting up and resting his head on (M/N) shoulder.
"It's like 9 am we normally wake up earlier than this Draco." (M/N) giggled.
"I know but still...also I'm hungry." Draco rambled.
(M/N) rolled his eyes "Draco I know I'm hungry as well that's why I brought the food we had in our room." (M/N) said grabbing his bag and pulling out some bread.
"Just bread? Really? Is that it?." Draco looked at the bread in disgust.
"That's all I could grab and if you were really hungry you'd just eat it so ssh." (M/N) said shoving some bread in Draco's mouth.
"Fine..." Draco grumbled.
They both ate and packed their things ready to find somewhere better to stay.

(Lucius and Dumbledore POV)
"Lucius calm down I'm sure we'll find them soon, they've been gone less than 24 hours they can't have gone far." Dumbledore said trying to reassure the panicking Lucius.
"What if something bad happened to them!? It's all my fault! How am I supposed to tell Narcissa and (M/N) parents!?" Lucius said pacing up and down.
"Lucius we will find them don't worry I will speak to (M/N) parents but first we need all the help we can get, I will announce that the boys are missing at breakfast and then everyone will keep an eye out for them." Dumbledore said heading towards the door.
"You better be right." Lucius growled in anger as he followed him out the room.
(At breakfast)
"Everyone I have an urgent announcement!" Dumbledore shouted making everyone quiet down.
"Draco Malfoy and (M/N) (L/N) are missing." Dumbledore announced as people gasped.
"Please if anyone has any information on the boys disappearance you can talk to me privately." Dumbledore said as his eyes scanned the room.
Harry looked around nervously wondering if he should say anything.
(Harry's thoughts)
'I should tell them it's the right thing to do'
'But Draco and (M/N) told me not to...'
Harry's thoughts were interrupted by a concerned Hermione.
"Harry are you ok? You look a bit lost." Hermione asked.
"Y-yeah just fine." Harry stuttered nervously.
Hermione looked at him suspiciously. "You know you can tell us if something's bothering you Harry."
"Hermione I'm fine trust me I just need to be alone for a bit." Harry said standing up and walking quickly out of the hall.
"There's definitely something bothering him we just need to find out what it is." Hermione said to Ron.
"Huh? What?" Ron asked stuffing his face with more food.
"Ron! Were you even listening!?" Hermione said irritated that Ron was more interested in his food.
"Of course I was! I just forgot.." Ron mumbled feeling guilty.
Hermione rolled her eyes and explained everything that just happened.
(M/N) and Draco POV
They were flying again trying to decide where to go next.
"Are you sure there isn't any where else we can go instead of flying around aimlessly." Draco asked obviously bored of this whole situation.
"Well... my aunt lives in New York but I have no idea how we will get there and my aunt might tell my parents." (M/N) said shrugging his shoulders.
"Your aunt lives in New York!? Why didn't you say so sooner!?" Draco exclaimed.
"I haven't seen her in ages so I guess I kinda forgot she existed..." (M/N) said laughing awkwardly.
"Whatever we are definitely going to try and go there, my father will never find us." Draco said excitedly.
"We're going to New York then!" (M/N) shouted happily.

To be continued....

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