Chapter 1- My Life Was Perfect Until...

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Dedicated to Corinne_gardnerdavis for convincing me to join Wattpad.

This chapter is unedited. Enjoy! 


Click. Click. Click.

My heels are the only sound audible in the silent hallway. All of the students shuffled to the side to let me through while staring in either fear, awe, or jealousy.

Meet me. Annalise. Pronounced AWN a leese. The one everyone bows down to. The queen of high school. And, I admit, I act like a brat.

But I'm not the typical brat. What people don't know is that I've never fallen in love, kissed a boy, or put makeup on. I'm naturally beautiful, so I've never bothered. I only have one real friend, who knew me before I was popular.

After junior high, I managed to make it to the top of the high school pecking order. My personality at school is like my mask, so to speak. Even though it isn't the real me, I get the attention I want, so I don't understand what the big deal is. I am the queen, so why change that?

I turn the corner to enter my first period classroom, and hear whispers getting louder the further I walk away. I flip my hair over my shoulder, not caring what people say.

As soon as I enter the classroom, my best friend, Chloe, attacks me with a hug.

"OMG Anna, where have you been?! I have been looking all over for you!"

I shrug. "Nowhere really, just taking my time at my locker."

"Well, we should get in our seats before Mrs. Crabby walks in," Chloe suggests.

As soon as we get to our seats, Mrs. Crabtree walks in. Chloe and I grin at each other. I can feel the popular boys' eyes boring through my back from the back of the classroom. I don't bother looking back, because I have no interest in boys like them.

"Open your books, class, and take out your homework," the teacher drones. " I better see quality work from each and every single one of you, or you will be seeing a one-way pass to detention until your work is up to my standards." The class groans before she continues on.



Finally! The bell of freedom! Daily torture is over. I walk over to my beloved red convertible Lamborghini and happily put on my seatbelt before backing out of the school parking lot. Yes, my family is loaded. But what I don't understand is how my sister, Jennifer, decided to live some crazy farming fantasy in the countryside when she was accepted into Harvard. If I were her, I would take the Harvard choice without a second thought, as a normal person would. Plus, I'm more of a city person, which is why I love where I live. Yes, you guessed it, New York City!

I pull into the neatly landscaped driveway leading to the family mansion before entering through the the main stained-glass door.

I find my older brother, Kai, concentrating on something in the kitchen. I walk over and set my keys on the granite island in the middle of the room.

Kai turns his head in my direction, breaking his attention on the task at hand. "Hey, sis, how was school?" He asks, wiping his hands on an apron.

"The usual, you?" I plop down on a stool. My brother is technically a senior in high school, but has been taking his classes at the local college for a few years now. I guess the smart gene runs in the family.

"Same, I guess." He turns his attention back on the mysterious glob in a pan.

" What is that!?" I exclaim, bracing myself for the answer. Knowing my brother, you have to always expect the unexpected.

"It's my latest invention... a pancake filled with all of your breakfast needs!" He proudly explained. "It includes bacon, bananas, eggs, oatmeal, oranges, and jelly!"

I almost gagged. "Ewwww! That is a horrible combination! How do people consider you smart?"

Kai blinked. "That's a good question," he pondered. "Oh, by the way, mom wants to see you."

I nodded. "I guess I'll catch you later, then, bro!"

I headed upstairs to the study and knocked on the door. I knew my mom was in there, because she works as a well-known defense attorney and was always on the phone or computer.

"Come in!" she says.

I walk in, finding her on the computer as usual. She finally finishes typing and swivels around in her office chair, looking at me with a smile.

"Sit down, Annalise, we need to chat."

Uh oh. Something is up. My mother never calls me by my full name or wants to have a "chat" without some bad news.

I gulped as I did as instructed.

She took a deep breath. "As your mother, I am concerned about your social life. I know you only have one friend, which is abnormal for a teenager."

I nodded slowly. This was true, ironically. Look at me, little miss popular, with only one friend.

"So I've decided a little change in scenery will do you good. I already arranged for you to live with Jennifer on her farm in Washington for the rest of the school year and the summer. Who knows, maybe you will make some new friends!"

I shook my head in disbelief. I can't believe my very own mother is shipping me off to some state all the way across the country, to my sister, who I haven't talked to in 7 years!

"No way!" I exclaimed once I recovered from my speechless state of mind. "I don't even know my sister anymore!"

"Exactly, which calls for some sister bonding time. And now you have your chance. Your plane leaves next Saturday morning, so you still have more than a week to say your goodbyes!" She suddenly frowned. "Not that you will have that many people to say goodbye to, I'm guessing."

I couldn't take it anymore. I got up from the chair and stormed out the room, slamming the door behind me. How could my own mother do this to me?



Well, that's the first chapter! Please comment and vote. And I could repeat that a thousand times. I will keep updating if you keep commenting and voting!!

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