Chapter 9- My Own Medicine Tastes Really Bad

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After fourth period, I find my way to the cafeteria. Scanning the tables, I see Amber and Melissa sitting with two boys in the far left corner. I make my way over, relieved that I found some familiar faces.

"Hi Anna! Sit by us!" Amber pats the seat next to her. Across the table sit Melissa and the two boys. One of them is a brunette with wavy hair, dark eyes and chiseled features looking seriously at me, and the other a dirty blond with blue eyes and a warm smile.

"And may I ask, who is so honored to join us at the table of royalty this fine afternoon?" I blink as I sit down, surprised at the brunette's British accent.

Amber gestures to me. "This is Anna, and she just moved here from New York!"

"Only for a year," I clarify sternly.

"Even still, welcome to the family!" The blond boy gestures around the table.

I smile. "It would be a bit weird for me to be a part of your 'family' without knowing your name, right?" I raise my eyebrows.

Amber's face lights up. "Oh yeah! This is Kevin," she says points to the brunette boy who nods at me, "And this is Brandon," she finishes, gesturing to the blond.

We make conversation for the rest of the half hour before separating to go to our lockers before fifth period. I can't help but marvel at how I made friends in only a day here, while I only made one in my whole life at home.

I round the corner to the hallway in which my locker is squeezed into, and I find a group of girls blocking my way. Not just any girls. The popular ones.

Just act like she's Alexis, I think to myself as I glare at the head of the pack, the girl Amber told me to stay away from.

"What do you want?" I sneer. "Make it quick, because I can't afford to waste time on people like you."

She smirks. "Oh, so the city brat can talk? Is that the only thing she learned in glorious, good-for-nothing New York City?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "And I could say the same about you, you good-for-nothing country girl. You know nothing outside of scooping poop on a farm."

She looKS like she was going to explode. "You know nothing of my life. You think you're life is all that great? Please, give me a break. We are much more fortunate than  you will ever be. Your 'fashion secrets' and all your servants won't cover up the fact that you are an incomplete person. You haven't lived in reality, only your little bubble of fantasies," she spits out.

Now that really struck a nerve. I decide to huff and roll my eyes before pushing her aside to get to my locker before the warning bell.

As I walk in fifth period, I spot Logan laughing at something someone in his group of friends said. I find myself walking over to him with a relieved smile on my face.

Logan turns around and grins back at me. "And I thought you'd never make it to fifth. Having a good day?"

I shrug. "Sort of."

He turns back around to his chatting friends. "You guys, this is Anna. She is the one I was talking about."

All the boys turned to face me, scanning my body from head to toe. I blush. What did Logan say about me?

"Man, you've really hit the jackpot," one of them nods at me.

Now it's Logan's turn to blush. "Uhhh... we aren't-"

"Yeah, yeah," the other boy shrugs him off.

Logan shakes his head before looking back at me. "Would you like to sit with us or find somewhere else to sit?"

One look at the boys' staring eyes has my immediate answer. "I'll just find somewhere else to sit today, if that's okay with you."

"Okay, see you next period!" As I start walking towards an empty seat, the smile on my face is quickly wiped off when I see the venomous glares of all the jealous girls on me. Wow, looks like Logan's pretty popular.

I finally sit down and glance at the girl next to me who is looking at me like she's going to strangle me. I quickly look away as the bell rings and class begins.


Logan finds me sitting toward the middle back of the bus after the last bell rings. I scoot towards the window before he plops down and faces me. "How was school?" He asks in a worried tone. Now I understand why he was so worried about me before school started.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why did you decide to leave out a tiny little detail... oh I remember what it was now, everyone hates me!"

"Yeah, I would have told you, but that would only do more harm by lowering your self-confidence. Plus, it's not like everyone would change their minds if I told you that beforehand," Logan explains with a forlorn expression on his face.

I can't help but agree with that. "Yeah, you're right," I sigh as I lean back in the seat, turning to look at the colors whizzing by the highway. "But why do they hate me just because I'm from New York?"

He frowns. "They think you have it easy because you live where they all dream to live and you don't know what real hardship is like they do because they have to work on the farm all day."

This sounded familiar because the popular girl told me the same exact thiing, but in harsher words.

"Well I have a pretty much non-existent father, one friend, a sister whom I don't even know, and a dead aunt because of a snake. Exactly what about that sounds like I have it easy?!"

Logan shakes his head. "Nothing. But all they see is your shell, not the real you. I bet everyone would love you if they knew the true you."

I nod. "It was the same when I was popular. Everyone thought that I was so cool and rich that they just assumed everything else about me based on a stereotype." Now I began to see how the less popular kids felt when I ignored them based on status."

Our heart-to-heart talk ends when the bus stops at the winding dirt road, where we get off.

Jennifer is busy in the kitchen when we get in the door. Logan immediately goes up to his room after saying hi, but I stay downstairs.

Jennifer looks at me seriously, stopping whatever she was doing. "We need to talk," she says, sitting at a stool.

Oh boy. Here it goes.



Sort-of cliffhanger! I'm not see ing as many votes as I used to get, so I'm updating a tad slower due to lack of motivation. More votes, faster updates! So please please VOTE!!!!!

Thanks for reading :)

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