Chapter 6- Goodbye, Popular Girl. Hello, Farm Girl.

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You have nothing to fear, Chapter 6 is here!!!!! Comment and vote! Thank you so much! 


I open the creaky front door and step into my new home for a year. 

I walk over to a weathered white breakfast nook table, where Jennifer is reading the news. I squint at the title. Seattle Times, it reads.

She looks up and smiles at me. "You go ahead and get settled in your room, it's the second door on the left once you go up the stairs," she gestures at a staircase tucked between the kitchen and living room.

I nod and go up the stairs, opening the second door on the right. Wait, did she say left? Too late... I open the door and find myself staring at a half-naked boy who looks about one or two years older than me.

"Augh! I am so sorry! I was looking for my room and..."

He has the same suprised expression on his face, but it quickly vanishes. "Hey," he chuckles in a deep voice. "I'm Logan, the farmhand. I hear you're Jennifer's sister," he says.

I take in his full appearance. His 6-pack compliments his tanned skin and I look up to see light blue eyes peering through messy blond hair.

"Uh... y-yeah," I stutter. "I guess my room is actually on the left, then?"

"Yup, I helped decorate it for you," He points at himself proudly.

"Thanks, Logan," I can feel my cheeks turning red. I better get out of his room before I say anything stupid. "I'll just get going now, sorry to disturb you."

"Okay, if you need any help, just holler across the hall!"

I walk over to my actual room this time and find my luggages leaning against a sturdy oak sleigh bed. Next to it is an oak dresser and desk. I make my way to the desk and gasp when I see the photos framed and hung above it.

In one frame sat a picture of Jennifer and I when she was 17 and I was 7. I remembered that picture; we were having a great time on the beach at a family reunion. That was the last happy memory we had together, without arguments about college between her and my mom. My dad was never there, he was always in a different country on business trips.

A single tear ran down my face before I wiped it away and started unpacking.

By the time I was done, the sun was setting over the horizon.

Rob pokes his head in the door after granting my permission to enter. "Dinnertime!" he says.

"Okay, I'll be right down," I reply, forcing a smile.

I walk down to the dinner table and find Jennifer and Rob chatting merrily. I sit down next to Jennifer awkwardly, so there is only one more empty seat. Rob and Jennifer greet me.

"Where is Logan?" I ask after saying hello.  

Jennifer smiles. "I see you've met our beloved farmhand. He is out feeding the livestock, he will be here any second now." 

Right on cue, Logan walks through the doorway. "I'm back!"

He takes the last empty seat next to Rob. "What's for dinner?"

Rob gestures at each platter of food. "Corn, lamb burgers, watermelon, and potato salad."

I can't help but be curious. "Did you grow all of this yourselves?"

"Why, yes we did," Jennifer grins. "We grew the watermelons, corn and potatoes in the field, raised the lamb, and made the hamburger buns from scratch using our wheat."

Logan eyes me carefully. "You don't look like a country girl," he observes.

"Yeah, I'm a city girl through and through," I confirm.

"Well, you're about to become one, because you have to help me with the chores," Logan firmly says.

My eyes widen at what I just heard. "What!? I have to work on a FARM!?!"

Logan, Rob, and Jennifer look at me in amusement. "Yes, starting tomorrow at the crack of dawn," Jennifer confirms. "It becomes fun once you get used to it. Wake up with the animal world, work with nature in the field, and sleep when all creatures sleep."

I huff and excuse myself from the table. "I'm not feeling well," I tell them.

As soon as I reach my room, I collapse on the bed. Mom never told me WORKING was in the contract. Just one of those little details she probably forgot to mention, just like the fact that Jennifer was engaged.

I lift my head off the pillow at the sound of someone knocking at the door. "Come in," I say.

To my suprise, Logan walks in and sits at the foot of my bed.

"It's really not that bad," he says.

"Well what would the kids at school say? Anna, the popular girl, was working at a FARM. This would be the perfect opportunity for Alexis to take my place and I would never be given a second glance ever again," I babble.

Logan shakes his head. "This year is not about impressing them. It's about you. You are the one venturing out beyond your comfort zone, and I bet many kids would be jealous of your bravery. Not many can do that," he explains.

I nod, feeling a little better. It still doesn't change the fact I think farms are disgusting.

"I hate animals," I blurt out.

"Well, maybe I can help you change your mind." And with that, Logan vanishes into his own room.

After getting ready for bed, I pull up the covers. I only think about two things before dozing off.

Goodbye, popular girl...

Hello, farm girl.


Woo! Chapter 6!

Things are about to get dirty on the farm.. (LITERALLY.) :D

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And ten million thank you's.

Chapter 7 coming soon!

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