Chapter 2- We All Have to Accept it Sooner or Later

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Here is Chapter two, good fellows! Thanks for waiting. Comment, vote, follow!

Dedicated to WashingtonnutNut for your suggestion! Thank you so much!

I attached the good ol' Cup Song by Anna Kendrick. Not exactly the mood I was looking for, but the words match :)

Not edited.


After I make a show of slamming the door, I head back to the kitchen. Kai will help me get out of this mess. Even though he is 2 years older than me, unlike Jennifer, who is ten years older, we hardly ever fight. Kai and I are more like friends.

Kai looks at me, puzzled, as I dramatically huff and land on the couch in the connecting room. Ouch. I never knew couches could be hard...

"Why the grumpy face?" He asks, coming into the room and sitting near my legs on the opposite side of the couch.

I sigh. "Mom is forcing me to live with Jennifer, that's why."

His mouth forms a small "o."

"Yup, and not only that, I have to stay there until the end of summer!" I exclaim, flinging my arms around wildly.

Yes, I know, I am a tad bit of a drama queen. In fact, I take advantage of it by participating at the local theater. My other rather eccentric group of hobbies include ballet, yoga, fencing, skiing, and archery. I know none of the kids at school, well, except for Chloe, bother to find out the true me beneath my "popular" mask.

Kai motions his hands to namaste. "Maybe it's time for your afternoon yoga, Anna."

Wow. So much for helping me out. I sigh and get up from the couch to roll out my hot pink yoga mat. "Fine," I huff, turning on my CD player to play some soundscapes.


I slam my car door and walk out of the school parking lot the next day. It is a dewy fall morning... my favorite. NOT. I'll let you in on a little secret here- I hate nature.

I spot Chloe pushing her way through the herd of stampeding students on the campus. "AANNNNAAA!!! OVER HEEERRREE!!!!!" She calls out while flinging her arms around here wildly, as if it weren't obvious already.

I roll my eyes. "Wow, totally subtle. Didn't notice you were there at all."

She grins. "Well guess what?! We're going to a party tonight!"

I frown. "Who's?"

"Devon's, of course! All the more reason to go!" Chloe follows close behind as I walk in the direction of my locker.

"Eh. I'll pass. I don't really know him anyways." Devon is one of the popular boys in school. I really had no interest in any of them. They all acted the same, if you ask me.

Chloe tugs on my arm impatiently. "Come on, you have to come, just for me?" She makes her puppy dog face.

I give in. "Fine, just don't make a big deal about it, okay? I rather not have people spreading rumors about my sudden decision to attend a high school party." I never went to one, actually. My hobbies always took up all my time.

We reach my locker and I spin the lock. Chloe starts heading in the opposite direction, to her own locker.

"Okay, see you first period!" She shouts over her shoulder.


I cram my books into my leather shoulder bag and head out the classroom, towards the cafeteria. Chloe waves over to me from a vacated table. I make my way through the automatically parting crowd without making any eye contact with anyone. They could take it the wrong way, especially if it were a guy.

"Hey, Chloe," I plop down on the chair across from her.

"Hey Anna!" She greets right back before taking a big bite of her pasta. "Is something wrong? You seem a bit stressed lately," she observes.

I nod. "Yeah, there is actually something I have to tell you."

"Okay, I'm all ears!"

I finish swallowing and set my panini on its wrapper. "My mom says she is concerned about my 'social life'," I quote with my fingers, "so she's decided to send me to live with Jennifer for the rest of the school year and the summer."

Chloe' mouth hung wide open. "WHAT!?!?" She screeched. "So what you're telling me is, I'm losing my best friend for an entire YEAR?!?!"

I sigh, twirling one of my brunette locks of hair. Chloe was not taking this very well, just as I thought. "Yes, that is what I'm saying. And it won't be easy for me either," I point out.

Chloe looks like she is about to cry. "Wow, I'm going to be friend-less for 1 year, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,766 hours-"

"Chloe, you won't be friend-less! We can still contact each other, it's not like I'm going to vanish off the face of the earth or anything!" I interrupt.

"True," she sighs. "All the more reason to go to the party, as a last hurrah! I'll meet you after school at your place!" She says, going back to her usual bubbly self. Right then, the 5th period warning bell rings. We clear the table and walk our seperate directions after saying goodbye.

Well, I guess I have nothing to do but go to that party, then. And I have a hunch that it will not be the best.



Well, Chapter 2 is done! It was a bit of a filler, but the next chapter will be more exciting, I promise!




Be happy:)

Chapter 3 on the way, but will only post when I feel I have enough comments and votes :) Just a subtle hint for you, please vote! And comment!

Does anyone have a cool idea for my book cover? I really really need to change it...

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