Chapter 15- Skiing+ Snowman+Snowballs

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"And that'll come to $650 for all of you," the cashier drones monotonously. 

I see everyones' eyes pop out. "650 dollars! Just to ski?" Amber cries out, tangling her fingers in her freshly curled hair.

"What can I say, skiing is an expensive sport," the cashier shrugs.

I flash my credit card, rolling my eyes with a smile. "Guys, I've got it covered. If there's one thing I'm good for around here, it's this little square of heaven."

Exhales surround me. "Thanks so much! If I had to pay for that, I'm never going to college," Amber shakes her head. Logan, Kevin, Brandon, and Melissa nod in agreement.

"It's the least I could do," I say, following them to a bench to put on rental ski boots.

After all of our gear is on, Logan, the expert of the ski resort, brings us outside to snap on our skis.

"So.. uh... how exactly do you ski again?" I ask.

All five of them look at me as if I had grown three more heads.

"You mean, you've never skied before?" Logan asks incredulously.

"No, is that a bad thing?" I start to get a little worried when Kevin starts smiling at me. Warmly or evilly, I can't tell.

"You're in luck, because we're the best teachers around!"


Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. My skis slide over the fresh, powdery snow slowly, much to my dismay. Unfortunately for me, about 30 people are impatiently waiting behind me to get on the chairlift.

"Anna, we don't have all day! Use your poles to push yourself forward," Brandon instructs.

Luckily, his advice works. Within seconds, I am squished against him on the two-person lift.


That is, until I make the worst decision of my life.

And that would be deciding to look down.

"AUUUUGGGHH!" I scream, clutching onto Brandon's arm. "I'm gonna fall!" The chair swings back and forth, up and down.

"Relax, relax. I've got you," Brandon reassures me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

A blob of snow slips from the surface of my ski.

"1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi," I whisper to myself, before the snow finally splats on the hillside.

Brandon chuckles. "Drama queen," he mutters.

Boy, did that get me started. "Hey! Don't call me that!" I shout, punching him square on the shoulder.

This makes the chairlift rock even more, but I'm too wrapped up in revenge to care.

"What? It's true. Nobody shouts as much as you do."

"NUH UH!" I shriek.

"Exactly." I look away, confused, before I realize I just proved his point.

"Fine." I cross my arms, huffing. "Be that way."

He only blinks. "Okay, now we are almost at the end. I want you to scootch up in the chair and hold your poles in your right hand, since you're on the left side. When we reach the landing, push off the chair with your left hand."

I furrow my eyebrows and try to mirror his example. "Like this?"

He nods, smiling. "Push off in 3...2...1."

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