[Chapter 1]

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/FEIRN-weyh/ (n.) (German)

1. An ache for distance

2. A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel

3. An intense pain of not being far away

4. Being homesick for a place you've never been


The street buzzed with the constant noise of cars passing that you've grown to see as a comfort. Your [Color] eyes glanced up at the grey clouds blanketing the sky. The warmth and light of the sun blocked away by the sea of rain clouds. Fog hid the tallest buildings of the city, hiding their lights that glowed dimly through the haze.

A cold drizzle began to sweep through catching some off guard. You were luckily prepared with an umbrella. Even though you had your doubts on whether it was going to actually rain earlier in the day. Puddles began to scattered throughout the streets and roads. Mindfully stepping over them, you watched many people fill the stores seeking warmth and shelter. 

You, however, were with a small group of friends searching for a hangout spot for the afternoon. You heard them chattered to each other about different subjects. School assignments. Teachers. What was on TV last night. Movies. How new classes were going. College.

What you wanted to hear was when it would be all over. You wanted to go back to the carefree summer of playing video games and lounging around. Wait- actually you wanted more from your summer than just playing around. You wanted to go. Just go. 

Each under their own umbrella, your friends began to purposely bump into each other trying to get the other soaked. You instead began to stare anxiously at the wet cement. Your eyes never glancing up. Your chapped lips stayed in a thin line as you heard your friends laugh. The ends of your [Color] hair curled from the humidity. 

You stared down at the puddles not caring anymore if you soaked your shoes. The dread of another day of school had weighed you down. Too many projects. Too many assignments. All so early in the year.

Something exciting needed to occur. The next day off had to come sooner.

Or, maybe, you could just leave.

A new feeling also arose to pile onto your stress. A feeling of not belonging. You felt out of place. You just wanted to leave everything behind. You couldn't understand why but to put it simply, you felt like a fish out of water. Like you were meant to do more then just go to school, hang out with friends, go home, sleep, and start the same routine again.

But that was the attitude a lot of people your age had. 

You heaved a heavy sigh and watched the huge puff slip out of your lips. You blew into your hand feeling numbness at the tips of your fingers. Cursing the cold, you began to rub your hands.

"That seems a bit arrogant," you whispered. 

"What does?" a friend asked.

You shook your head, "Nothing."

"What's wrong?" another friend chimed in.

"Nothing," you repeated with a shrug. "I just feel under the weather."

"No pun intended," one of your friends laughed. You smiled, rolling your eyes at your friend's antics. 

"Speaking of the weather," another friend began. "It's barely the first month of school and it's already this cold."

"A few days ago, it was super hot. Triple digits but now it's raining and freezing."

Your group of friends began to buzz about the weather. You glanced up to the grey clouds, cold drops landing on your face. The weather was wonderful in your eyes. It was calm, cool, and a nice break from the late summer heat. It was still strange and the temperature seemed to lower itself each day. You also had to dig out your fall clothing earlier than usual. You didn't know how much longer you could stand the weather but it was still a nice change from the norm.

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