[Chapter 12]

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Leaning against the same wall during the battle, you watched as Aerith was the last to join everybody as they buzzed around the controls. Tifa, Aerith, and Ven at the controls. Terra and Zack at the black table now alit with a holographic sphere and the ship circling it. Cid was at the helm with Leon standing next to him. Cloud was nowhere to be seen along with Demyx and Yuffie.

After Cid had activated the Lux screens, you had asked him about what Lux was. Aqua had entered in time to politely halt him from giving a long-winded lecture and simply explained it was what radiated off worlds. It also was what powered the majority of the ship.

"So, it works like solar panels?" you asked, now wondering how the ship looked from the outside.

"What in the hell are solar panels?" Cid gave you an odd look.

Aqua smiled, "If solar panels absorb energy from an energy source then yes."

You nodded, staring at the world below. The ship seemed to be circling around the building giving you more of a view. Everything was circular with the paved grounds to the buildings. You could see that there were a couple of buildings stemming away from the towering main building. What stood out the most was the faded blue heart plastered on the main building with a small crown in the top of it.

A feeling that you couldn't quite describe was running through your veins. You were going to step onto another world. Your first world. Somewhere you've never been or heard of before. Back home, you could easily look up magnificent pictures and clips of foreign places but this was a place unknown to you. A blank slate to learn about.

"Jeez, [Name]," Zack chuckled, his smile growing the more he looked at you. "You look like a kid going to Disney Town."

"There's a Disney Town?" you stared wide eyed at him.

"Disney Town?" Ven turned from his seat at the mere mention of the name.

"Let me rephrase that," Zack said. "You look like Ven going to Disney Town."

Terra slapped a hand over his mouth, avoiding the glare from Ven as he choked down his laugh.

"Shut up, Zack!" Ven turned back to his screen but you could see his embarrassment from the way his ears burned red. You giggled at the sight and walked past them towards the helm. You stood at the opposite side of Cid and Leon. Hands folded behind you, you rocked back and forth on your heels.

"I can just feel how excited you are by just standin' next to ya, [Name]," Cid chuckled.

"It's a whole new world to explore who wouldn't be excited," you grinned at both of them.

"Well, we're just waitin' for those three to secure the cargo before we land," Cid ruffled your hair.

You shook away any lose strands, "Is landing going to bumpy?"

"It won't affect us as much here on the bridge but we'll feel the turbulence," Leon explained.

"Everything? Isn't that gonna make a mess?" you thought back to your scattered things in your room.

"Let's hope not," he gave a small grin. "Cloud, is Angelo with you and are you ready?"

"Yeah," you heard his voice from Leon's bracelet and than a bark. "Everything's secure and we're ready done here."

You could see the grin still on Leon's face and you scurried back to your wall. But you decided to stand next to Terra after he waved you over and instructed you on how to position yourself for landing.

"Feet apart, knees bent, keep your body low, and hold onto something," he demonstrated and you followed.

"Unless you want my seat," Aqua offered from her place.

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