[Chapter 15]

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You let out a deep sigh of content as you dried your hair. Showers were always relaxing and let your mind wander. It washed away all the stress you had encountered in the thirty minutes it took you to take the wrong hallway, end up in the library, that you had to check out later, walk back to the lobby, take the right hallway, find your luggage in the first rooms, and than figure out how to control the shower settings.

Stepping out of the shower, you saw a basket labeled towels but you didn't know where to put your dirty clothes. You eventually found a laundry bag with your name on it next to your luggage. Opening it, you saw all the clothes you had changed in and out of on your trip here along with your bed sheets.

You were going to need to figure out how to do laundry here soon.

After putting away your dirty clothing, you began to observe the room. Faded paint decorated the borders of the two other doors beside the bathroom. There was a table installed at the center of the wall with stools stacked on top of it. You had opened both of the doors earlier and inside where suitcases and boxes labeled with names.


Metallic shutters lined the large window behind the empty bed and nightstand. A dresser was located next to the door. You figured this was the girl's showers considering most of the names were female . . . you think. You looked to the wall and hoped the clock reading 8:12 was incorrect.

You were late for breakfast and you could feel the bread hadn't filled you. Opening the door, you glanced around. You had somehow developed a horrible sense of direction in the past hour. The room was located in the far corner of the main hall leading to the hallway making it hard to distinguish the main hall from ordinary halls.

"Excuse me," a soft voice asked. "Are you lost?" You turned to see three women, stop in the middle of the hallway. The one you guessed had spoken was a brunette with one green eye and the other blue. The one emitting the same excited energy as Yuffie was a blonde with golden hair braided widly with green eyes. Her polar opposite was a woman clad in black and crimson with silver hair and red eyes.

"Yeah," you nodded. "I'm trying to head back to the cafeteria."

"We're on our way there!" the blonde grinned. "So follow us, New Girl!"

"Thanks," you smiled back, not knowing how to respond to the nickname. It was quiet for a moment as you followed the trio before you spoke first.

"I'm [Name]. Nice to meet you," you said.

"We know," the silver haired nodded.

"Paine!" the blonde shouted before turning to you while walking backwards. "I'm Rikku and that's Paine."

"My name's Yuna. Its a pleasure to meet you," she stopped and bowed her head a bit.

"You too," you bowed back.

Something felt off as your hand went to your wrist. You sighed.

"Can you tell me how to get back to the main hallway? I left my bracelet in the bathroom," you looked to them and to the hallway.

"Just go to the end of this hall and take the second to last turn," Rikku pointed. "We'll see you at breakfast, New Girl."

"Later," Paine continued walking. You nodded before running back to the room. You quickly found the bracelet near the sink and snapped it on. You shook your wrist and watched the time cascade across the braclet. You had learned the trick on your walk here but that was besides the point you were really late now. 8:17

Following Rikku's directions, you found the main hallway leading to the lobby. With a sigh of relief, you began your walk. However, this time you planned to do something a little productive. You took the disk shooter from your pocket. Staring at it, you contemplated on whether to try yesterday's stunt.

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