[Chapter 16]

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"I'm telling you its natural," he sighed, pulling at his hair. "When I said I'd answer your questions I didn't think it would involve my hair color."

"I'm sorry," you smiled. "I was just curious. No one has hair like this unless they dyed it." For the past few minutes, Hope had helped you figure out which hallway led to where. He had taught you how to properly utilize the map function of your watch. You could now label sections and activate a sort of GPS that would steer you in the right direction.

Hope had also given you a brief explanation on the surrounding mountains and the climate of the world. It had four seasons but unlike Earth they were characterized by the number and types of storms. There was the Thunder Season, Dry season, Wet Season, and Cloudy Season, in that order. The world would shift between the four and the times between each varied. Clouds rolled along in the sky so you assumed it was the Cloudy Season.

In return, you gave a quick explanation of the climate where you had lived. He seemed genuinely curious and asked questions when he could. Most of them were on specific areas that you could only give vague explanations on. He would ask strange question here and there like, why would people water ski in flooded streets. You just shrugged remembering seeing a picture of someone using a jet ski in flood waters.

Somehow your conversation turned into a discussion of whether his hair was natural or not.

"I guess it would be strange to see some of our hair colors in other worlds," he concluded, passing his wrist against a control panel to the side of heavy metal doors. Slowly sliding open, you gave a glance back to the hallways. Despite needing a proper mopping and waxing, they seemed perfectly fine. You had noticed that nearly everything you've seen so far at KG was intact and looked barely used. There was some work to be done but nothing that couldn't be finished in a week or two.

Walking behind Hope, your footsteps echoed as they stepped on the metallic floor. The only light came streaming from the windows but, even then, the jungle on the other side would only let some of the sun through. You felt as if you were at an aquarium, only that instead of fishes you felt a monster would slam against the window.

"Hey, Hope," you walked beside him. "Is there really a lot to renovate here?"

"Not really," he answered. "The town will be where all the work is going to be. The Garden hasn't really faced a lot of damage, except this area. It's more of there's a lot to update and minor details to take care of."

"Like what?"

"There's the classrooms, the kitchens, which is done, the Dorms only really need a good dusting, some fresh paint, and to switch the mattresses out. The others have been working weeks to update the mainframe and that's nearly complete," Hope counted down with his fingers. "There's the carts and vehicles, which haven't been used in years. Then there's the Simulation Room here that faced a lot of damage."

"From what?" you glanced back, feeling your paranoia rise.

"Well," Hope gave a smile, that didn't ease your nervousness, "The Training Center use to house monsters to help students prepare for missions."

"What?" you shouted. "You use to let students into a room full of monsters!"

"We don't anymore," he put his hands up in defense. "This place is used more for educational purposes now for Blue Mages and where Beastmasters can have their monsters rest."

"What?" you stared confused at what you guessed were job classes.

Hope could only give a smile, "I'm sorry for the jargon. I really wish I could give you a quick lesson."

"It's alright," you shook your head as you both stopped in front of another wide door. You now realized why the doors where bulky and metallic. It would take a monster to break through the thick doors. The gears grounded against each other as the door opened. The room you entered was devoid of color. The bright lights above seem to magnify the blinding white of the room.

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