[Chapter 6]

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You couldn't understand what was happening now.  

You hadn't really understood anything that had happened so far. What you did know was that your eyes were open even if you saw nothing but black. You knew that the comforting hand of the woman was gone. You knew that the feeling of being suspended in air was all the comfort that you would have.  

Stretching your arm out, you could feel nothing holding you up. Another thing you didn't understand. You spent some time wondering but you weren't sure for how long. You began to count the beeps coming from your wrist.

The bracelet was the only noise in the deafening silence. For every beep, you counted a second. But after a few minutes you saw no point to it and after a few more minutes, it stopped.  

"They gave up," you sighed. "So, this is where I'll be forever." You closed your eyes, biting back the tears. Your anger and regret rose. The only relief from those bitter feeling was the clenching and unclenching of your fists.  

How would you ever know if you had saved your world?  

Kicking forward in a burst of anger, something solid bumped your foot. Your eyes darted forward but it was no use. You still couldn't see anything. You placed your foot out and then the other. The next thing you knew, you were standing. That's when the light appeared.  

It started out as a small flicker, like a lighter that could only spark. Another flicker caught your eye before you saw the light catch ablaze, igniting a stream of light to shine in the distance. 

"Don't go into the light, they said," you sighed in defeat, hands across your chest. "Why not?" You stepped forward with a shrug. You felt the ground underneath but were blind to the path. Something then caught your hand. Your eyes searched behind you but nothing. You could feel a warmth coming from what was holding your hand.  

"Hello?" you questioned. You flinched as your voice reverberated. You then began to see your hand become visible and whoever was holding it.

An armored hand pulled you back in the opposite direction of the light. Your eyes flashed back but somehow this felt like a better idea. You let yourself be tugged in the opposite direction. You watched as the armor slowly began to reveal itself. The armor was a strange mix of brown, red, and a pale yellow with a bright gleam. 

Your eyes stared at the back of the helmet that had long points on each side. Whoever this was, he was a tall male, probably muscular and handsome. Maybe, he was here to rescue you and bring you to another world.  

You laughed, catching the man off guard. He simply turned and continued on. You continued to giggle to yourself as you began to swing your other arm. Here you were wondering if he was a handsome knight-in-shining armor instead of whether he was really taking you to your end.  

You continued to laugh as you followed blindly through the dark. The beeping on your wrist resumed, alerting you to a change. You felt silly looking at your wrist, remembering how blind you were currently until you noticed the faint light of the bracelet flashing. Your eyes glanced down. You saw your shoes and finally saw the awful state you were in. Your clothes were tattered and a little bit of blood stained them. All of your injuries, however, were healed.  

"Hold on," the man said, pulling you closer to him. You watched as a strange weapon was summoned from a cloud of digits and light. A brown key-like object outlined with white appeared. His hand reached for the blue hilt before turning it. The explosion of white that followed caught you off guard. You winced at the intensity of the light and felt the arm around you tightened.  


You blinked away the bright light streaming down from above. Everything was still a blur but you could recognize the bright blue sky above you. Only remnants of clouds remained as the sun warmed your skin. You then noticed the absence of the rusted metal of the roof that use to cover the factory.  

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