[Chapter 2]

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"Yes!" you shouted, feeling in your arms slowly returning. In front of you were a stack of textbooks neatly piled on top of each other. The school had only just passed out textbooks to seniors. Not to mention that you 'luckily' got them in first period. Since then you forgot one at lunch and left another in one of your classes.

Both times you had to go and find it then run back before the bell rang. Along with that you had to carry them onto the school bus and you nearly forgot another in the bus. 

Opening your backpack, you retrieved another textbook. You rotated your aching shoulders and let out another sigh. With textbooks came new assignments, new readings, and more homework. You gave the books a hard stare before falling backwards. Your bed caught your fall and you enjoyed the brief break.

A memory then entered your mind as you stared at the ceiling. The creature from before seemed to worm its way into your mind anytime it was at rest. You had wondered about the creature during class, causing you to miss most of the lesson. You had tried to draw it but only got ink smeared onto your hand and a ball of black on the paper. At the accident, you had asked your friends but no one had saw anything. It only earned you skeptical looks and a sarcastic comment or two. 

You had been tempted to search online but something held you back.

You jumped when your phone went off. You glanced at the text, knowing who it would be.

get out going to new cafe

You sighed and answered back texting a simple 'fine'. You stood and stretched before heading out of your room. Checking your pockets for your keys, you texted your parents a quick message that you'll be with friends. You placed on your sweater, grabbed your umbrella, and locked the door behind you. 

Staring up at the sky, you saw the trees sway and clouds, just clouds. It's been nearly a week since you last saw the sun and felt the warmth of its rays. The cold weather was leaving the meteorologist and newscasters baffled along with most of the city. The weather was a nice break but your suspicions grew each day. A chill crawled across your skin as you buried yourself deeper into your sweater. 

A car then stopped in front of your house. A window was lowered and one of your friend stuck their head out the window. 

"Get in, loser!" they shouted. "We're going shopping!" You shook your head at the reference and rushed into the car, trying to avoid the light drizzle. You let out a sigh of relief as the warm air blasting from the car defrosted you. You made your usual greetings and buckled up.

"Textbooks are a pain," you groaned, feeling your shoulder ache as you maneuvered to get the seat belt. 

"No talk of school in my car!"

"Fine. I can't tell you what happened during English that involves a quiz on the book you didn't read."

You quietly listened as the friendly bickering began. It was strange that you weren't participating in the conversation but something unusual materialized as the car came to a red light. You blinked at another sighting of the creature. It skittered on the sidewalk, avoiding people's steps. You rubbed your eyes hoping your fatigue was imagining it up as it took its full form. 

Shining claws grew and aimed themselves for an unsuspecting woman talking into her cellphone. You watched as the creature slashed down. You could only blink at the result. No visible physical damage was done to the woman but she collapsed, alarming nearby pedestrians. The phone fell onto the concrete at the same time her body slammed into the sidewalk.

Your eyes followed a shimmering pink heart that floated from the woman. It was a surreal sight as it delicatly headed for the sky, like a lost balloon. The creature bent its knees and leapt up. Its mouth opened, warping the creature's body, as it swallowed the heart mid air.

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