[Chapter 7]

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Your eyes finally opened after feeling the wind settle. The entire trip your eyes were closed out of fear and the fact that they burned from crying. Through the small trip, you had ran out of tears and instead reserved yourself to silence. You glanced around the large room, noticing the similarities it had to a car repair shop and a motorcycle. Tools lined a single wall with monitors reading diagnostics. That's the only thing that really stood out to you as Terra dismounted.

"Can you walk, [Name]?" he continued speaking in a soft tone. Words wouldn't form as you opened your mouth. You stayed dazed as he took off his helmet. His eyes stared with concern as you nodded yes. He set down his helmet and carefully helped you off. Keeping an arm around your shoulder, he guided you towards a door. The door slide open to reveal a new face and a pair of worried blue eyes.

You glanced up at him noticing the blanket and water in his arms. He was an older man probably in his 30s or something. A pair of goggles pulled his blond hair back. He opened the water bottle for you. You took it and drank, just noticing how dry your throat felt.

"Aerith said to take her to Room 3 and not to leave her out of your sight," he drawled in a familiar Southern accent. "I'll be at the bridge if you need anything."

"Alright," Terra nodded, steering you to the right. You look back to see the man stare at the ground, shake his head, and sigh before heading off in the other direction. Your eyes began to noticed the grayness of the hallways and how blue streams decorated the walls. Any doors you passed were colored a darker gray and labelless.

You heard Terra begin to count out loud, glancing at each door before stopping at one. He waved his hand were the door knob would be and it slid open. He entered the room and the lights flashed on. Terra looked back, motioning for you to come in. You hesitated before stepping forward. The small room was plain with the gray color surrounding you. You saw a single monitor next to another door, that was slightly open to reveal a bathroom. A table with two chairs was set next to a window.

Your eyes wandered towards the window seeing nothing but black. You walked to the table and leaned against it. Your eyes widened at the sight. At first you saw nothing except a few sparkles that you guessed were distant stars. What caught your attention were the streams of purples, greens, blues, and all different colors stretching through space. They seemed to connect themselves to other streams, melding together. You followed one stream of navy blue slowly mesh together with a yellow to make an earthy green. 

"Wow," you mouthed, staring in awe at how bright the stars began to sparkle. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You turned around at the sound of a creak. Terra stood in front of a bare mattress that was suspended on a metal plate with chains coming from the wall, holding it in place.

"I'll be right back," he dusted his hands. "I need to get some blankets. You'll be alright, [Name]?"

You opened your mouth to respond but you closed it knowing you weren't ready to speak. You shook your head yes and watched him leave with some reluctance. If you had spoken you would have broken down again. You wiped your eyes of any stray tears and sat yourself on the table. Watching the streams slowly move brought you some peace. This wasn't what your world believed space was. You remembered learning about how dark and vast space was. This seemed more like an ocean, mellow and calm.

You then saw the familiar shape of Earth. The white clouds swirled through the world, blocking some of the green and blue. You could see the sandy yellow of the desert and the white caps of the northern countries. The bright lights of cities shone in the darker areas of the world. Sighing, you knew you couldn't cry or pity yourself anymore. You hadn't lost anything. Your parents were alive and well. Your friends would soon be complaining about school. The beauty of your entire world was saved.

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