[Chapter 5]

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"Why'd I bring an umbrella?" you swatted another Heartless. Thin, red scratches decorated your arms but it wasn't anything too serious. Your clothes were slightly torn and your umbrella was in worse shape.

The black snow continued to fall.

To your dismay, more creatures sprouted from the piling black snow. You continued to run down the street when you heard a beep from the bracelet. You halted and looked for a safe spot to hide, deciding to hide behind a parked car. Your shaking hands stumbled trying to figure out how pop the screen up. Your fingers felt a small bump on the side of the blinking light so you pressed. The screen appeared and displayed Tifa.

"[Name] give me a place that you feel safe," she gave a determined look. You just stared at her with a dubious expression.

"W-what?" you stuttered, feeling the adrenaline mess with your voice and thinking process.

Aerith appeared next to Tifa on a new screen, "Where are you headed?"

You blinked.

Just realizing you weren't heading in the direction of your home.

"I have no idea," you glanced around trying to recognize the street and where it led. That's when you noticed the shadows growing closer to you. The black snow piled a few feet in front of you melted into a syrupy liquid before taking shape. These Heartless were more human like and had a angular look to them. Or maybe it was their claws that seemed sharper. You stared as their limbs twisted and twitched. Their yellow eyes glowing and staring into you.

You grabbed your umbrella with two hands ignoring Tifa and Aerith's calling and shouting about Neoshadows and to run. You gulped and pushed your back against the hard cold steel of the car trying to get as further away from the things as you could. Panic and fear caused your whole body to quake. The cold nipped at any exposed skin, chilling your limbs. Your hurried breathing becoming simple puffs of fog.


Your eyes flashed to the creatures as you slowly rose, back sliding up the car. A warmth began to replace the icy dread that hung over you. A feeling of courage welled up in you causing your shaky hands to grip the umbrella tightly. Words began to form in your mouth that you couldn't recognize but you knew what they meant.

"Time, rest and give your kindness to the worthy!"

As the words escaped your mouth, a sort of circle formed around the Neoshadows. Ancient writing scribed itself around the circle melting the snow and burning into the cement. You swept your arm across.


That's when you took off running. Without a look back, you knew what the spell had done and you wanted to take advantage of the extra time. The Neoshadows were attempting to give chase but they only moved an arm and leg by the time you had left their sights. Something seemed to flow into you, feeding you information. Your feet were carrying you somewhere, even without a destination in mind. Your mind buzzed with an ancient, dead language but only a few words you could make out and fully understand. You were itching to write everything down.

Haste. Slow. Re-

"[Name]!" Leon shouted. Your eyes snapped up, glancing around for the man until you remembered the bracelet. You looked up to see three faces on the screen, all giving worried expressions.

"Sorry," you quickly apologized before beaming at them. "I know where I would feel the safest right now!"

"Where?" You only saw a blur from Tifa's screen and a swift punch to a Heartless. You saw all the screens blurred and only caught glimpses of their faces and glances at their enemies. Aerith began to murmur words that you couldn't understand but sounded Latin or maybe Germanic or- nevermind. Leon and Tifa's screen stayed blurred from their constant motion.

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