[Chapter 11]

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Here you were again. Staring out of the giant window at the bridge. The Sea of the Skies as tranquil as ever. You gazed at all the stars with a new look, one of pure wonder and curiosity. Instead of wondering how far you were from them. You wondered what world was behind the sparkling light. All the information from earlier was whirling through your mind.

You laughed to yourself, "This is ridiculous."

Pressing your head into the window, you leaned forward feeling the cool glass on your forehead and palms. You gave one last look at the sparkling worlds and the curls of colors before closing your eyes. Your mind began to think back to your home and family. You visualized your room then how you got to school. You went through all of your classes and remembered all the faces at your lunch table.

You gulped down the knot forming in your throat.

You slapped your cheeks before any tears formed. Rubbing away the stinging feeling, you turned at the sound of footsteps behind you.



Turning around at the sound of a muffled laugh, you frowned at the man. He had a fist to his mouth hiding away his smile. His other hand held a tray filled with food. You noticed salad, bread, and some sort of meat slathered in a sweet and spicy sauce. The smell of it brought your thoughts out of everything and focused on your empty stomach.

"What's up?" you rubbed one of your stinging cheeks. A wide smile was plastered on his face as his youthful eyes stared back into yours. There was something endearing in the way he tilted his head to one side. You just felt like patting his head.

"I brought you some dinner," he walked over to your side. "I thought maybe this way we can have our date."

"I never said yes," you frowned.

"But you never said no," Zack grinned. "So, just enjoy the food. Terra cooked." You took the tray and noticed how fresh the bread was, like it had just come out of the oven. Taking a fork full of the meat, you took a bite. The tender meat melted in your mouth. The sauce was spicy enough to give a kick but not hot enough to have you sweating. 

"Delicious. Right~?"

You glanced up and instinctively shrank back. Zack's face was inches from yours with a soft smile. All you could do was stare into his eyes for a moment getting lost in how blue they were. When he blink, that snapped you out of the trance and you took a step back. You continued to eat, not glancing up from your tray.

He chuckled, "I guess I am too familiar with strangers." He sat down cross legged and stared out the window. You tilted your head at the motion and stared out at what he was seeing. He then patted next to him.

"You can't enjoy a good meal standing like that," a childish pout on his face. Balancing the tray was going to be a bother so, you sat down. You began to try the salad to balance out the sauce. You stared up to the window and continued to watch the stars slowly pass you by.

"So, what was so ridiculous?" Zack asked, after a moment.

You swallowed what you had in your mouth, "My whole situation."

"Really? Well, I guess I kind of understand." he leaned into his hand, elbow on his knee. "You spent your whole life in your world not knowing about all this then you find yourself traveling through space with all your plans and dreams thrown out the window."

"Ridiculous," you repeated. "It's like I'm the main character to someone's story."

"You are."

With a sideways glance, you saw the faraway look in his eyes. The goofiness from earlier was gone and instead you saw a seriousness and slight innocence to his face. He turned to you with that expression before smiling widely.

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