[Chapter 10]

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You felt the cushion of the mat covered floor on your back as you stared up to the ceiling waiting for someone. Surrounding you were more mats on the walls, making you wonder if being thrown against the wall happened often. Your eyes were on the board in front of you. It reminded you of a simple whiteboard from school. But there was something off about it.

You waited patiently fiddling with your bracelet. You had learned to place it in English and found out it had several uses. You could see your statistics such as, HP, MP, Defense, and other normal things on the STATS menu. You were the only one in your roster. Under that box, there were several blank ones and only two with writing. They read MAPS and SETTINGS. There was only a question mark in the center of the gridded map.

The setting menu let you change the screens color to whichever you preferred. You could now change little things on the bracelet like its color, how to alert you, and you messed around with the numerous languages. You continued to play with it about to go into the App Store until you heard the door open to your left. Yuffie was grinning madly with pride. Tifa followed behind her, sliding and pressing on the screen that popped out of her bracelet.

"Guess who won explaining things to you?" she walked towards the board.

Demyx shouted from the hall, "You only won because you cheated at rock, paper, scissors!"

"How do you cheat at rock paper, scissors?" you asked, staring at the pair.

"When you're the Great Ninja Yuffie anything's possible," she placed her hands on her hips. "Now let's start the lesson. Lights!"

Tifa sighed, sliding her finger across the serene green screen. The lights began to dim and the white board began to glow brighter. An image of the colorful space that you saw outside your window appeared. As the screen began to zoom in, the image began to leap off the screen and began to surround you.

Astral streams of color flowed by you. Small spheres of light shone and that's when you noticed that the stars weren't the balls of flaming energy you knew them as. Instead, they were spheres of light that protected a city, town, castles, and all sort of things, even whole planets. These worlds were the stars you stared up at.

"Let's start with what you see out the window," Tifa began, poking one of the passing worlds." It's not the space you learned about. An empty vacuum of rocks and pure energy. We exist in the Sea of the Skies."

"Yup," Yuffie smiled. "The Sea of the Skies is, well, a sea of different skies of different worlds. Worlds can carry just an island or a whole planet. I came from Gaia."

"So did I," Tifa smiled. "We both came from planet worlds while a few others came from small town worlds like, Ven, Aqua, and Terra." You saw as chains began to appear on some world while a keyhole appeared on others.

Tifa continued, pressing another button. "A few decades back the worlds began to become unstable and the protection that kept them separated from the Sea of the Skies began to break down. Keyblade wielders of that time gathered together to go around maintaining the walls up. They all trained and lived in the Land of Departure and created the Guardians to keep the worlds safe."

"Your world had been locked up until recently. Some worlds will never unlock themselves and some will eventually. The Guardians of their time chose to keep all the worlds locked to keep peace until," Yuffie pressed on Tifa's screen. "Bam!"

You jumped as a world exploded in front of you, spraying pixelized debris on you.

Tifa shook her head, "That wasn't necessary."

"Anyway!" Yuffie grinned. "The worlds began to fall into darkness so the Guardians went around searching for what was wrong. That's when they discovered the Heartless. Adorable little buggers, right?"

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