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Ah, Fernweh. Where do I begin?

No, seriously I don't know where to start. 

Traveling Hearts' entire plot was written on three pages of printer paper, all one-sided. My notes for this story are a mess of repeated info spanning different files. From that, there are different plots and subplots. Lots of little things I wanted to do with each character.

So, I'll be explaining the overall plot surrounding the world [Name] is thrown into first. Next, the plot surrounding [Name] going through this world. I was going to go over the other character's backstories and subplots but it's already a lot so I left them out.

Overall Plot

I didn't illustrate the world [Name] ended up as much as I wished I had. Being trapped on one little world for a whole arc went against the whole point of the word, fernweh, which is the ache for distance or travel. I really wished I had the hub already up and running but I'll put more of that stuff in the next section.

The world surrounding [Name] is currently at a crisis and on the brink of chaos. The Gardens are an organization trying to bring some control and peace. Worlds are unlocking that may not be ready for outside influences. The Gardens have the final decision the world remains open or not.

The Gardens spawned from the destruction of an organization that first held the power to access other worlds, Departure, which were just a bunch of Keybladers. Aqua, Terra, and Ven came from the era before they were destroyed by the big bad at the time that I hadn't figured who. That's why Terra so annoyed at the current state of the Gardens. Departure's policy on worlds were to keep them locked and isolated from each other.

So, yeah, the Gardens are the organization with the most power over everyone as they try to organize the worlds to work with each. Wars do break out. There are exploitation of resources on some planets. It's just a mess everyone is dancing around. Along with the general disorganization, the Gardens are slowly being taken over by corruption from major corporations, like ShinRa, who are monopolizing certain areas of the Sea of the Skies. The Heartless are also infiltrating the organization.

Now, the Gardens are currently investigating the Heartless invasion. A cult that believes that a world wracked with war should return to its origins to become anew. Basically, let's just destroy the world so we can do a hard reset on all these problems. A part of their power comes from a drug.

The drug gives a sense of relief mostly because emotions are slowly being eaten away. So, the final and strongest emotion attaches to the newly formed Heartless. Or if the person's will is strong enough, they get OP and power to control heartless. They also artificially manufacture heartless from kidnapping people.

Back to the whole the Heartless infiltrates the Gardens. Newcomers are screened for special abilities and compatibility with the drug so they have more warriors but they can control them. Anyone that fails (aren't compatible, won't be useful, too nosey, too noble) are going to be sent to Kingdom Gardens. That's why a lot of the crew are at Kingdom Gardens. The crew doesn't know this is happening.

But they all catch on that there is a reason that they're all there. They even threatened Axel to join back even though he retired. Laguna was given control since the Heartless know that he'd probably be able to raise some sort of opposition. Plus, he has some really influential and high ranked buds. Hope was a part of research and was beginning to question way too much and got exiled over there.

Leon still has an inside source, Seifer and his crew, keeping him updated on things that don't reach their ears since they're so far away. Seifer jokes that the higher ups are just waiting for an excuse to send him over.

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