[Chapter 9]

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Ven quickly sat himself down onto a chair and flashed his wrist across the screen. The bracelet lit as the screen showed a sort of grid map with blips of red and black across the blue background. Statistics began to run through another screen in letters that you couldn't understand.

You turned back to Terra to see him flash his bracelet across the table. You jumped back as transparent menus and letters shot up from the table into the air, tightening your grip on Demyx's pillow. Terra quickly pressed on one of the holograms and you saw models of futuristic ships bounce up from a grid plane. The blocky multicolored one surrounded by green, you assumed, was the ship you were on. Trailing behind that one was two insignias of a thorn riddled red heart colored in black surrounded in red and a question mark surrounded by black.

"We got two Heartless ships and an unknown following us. They'll reach us in a minute or two," Terra relayed the message. The three ships were in a V-shaped formation picking up speed. You watched as he pressed one of the insignias and a small box appeared. You could only read the numbers while the rest was gibberish.

"Location!" Cid shouted into a funnel that detached itself from the wheel. You had just noticed that Cloud had moved from his spot on the wall to Cid's side. You watched the windows now noticing three smaller screens appear on the right side. Each gave off no picture and read 'Unoccupied'.

"Tifa and Aqua in Turret One." You saw the two women with thin headsets appear on the first screen but they were in a split screen so you assumed that they were in the same place but different parts.

"Zack and Yuffie at Turret Three!"

Both of them appeared on their screen, again in a split screen manner. Yuffie had a wide grin on her face, excited, while Zack had a more serious expression, his lips drawn in a thin line. The middle screen finally went online with a nervous looking Demyx and a calm Leon.

"Demyx and Leon in Turret Two," Demyx exhaled deeply, trying to get the nerves out.

"I'm heading your way," another thinner box appeared at the opposite side and another set appeared along with it. You had recognized Aerith's voice and watched the box display waves to match her tone. You could see names highlighting each. Aerith. Ventus. Terra. Cid. Cloud. [Name].

You did a double take, your hand flying to your wrist.

Why would yours be up there?

Because you are one of them.

You gave your wrist a squeeze, turning back to Terra and the table.

You are one of them now.

"Terra will be running the scan," Cloud spoke into the funnel. Aerith appeared from the stairs and rushed to one of the monitors. She lightly tapped her bracelet in front of the monitor and watched it come to life. You moved away from the table and leaned against the wall.

"We got Ven and Aerith running diagnostics and stats so, it's on their word. Understood?" Cloud continued, watching the screens.

"Yes, sir!" they all responded. The shout caused a grin to break out on your face as you slid down to sit, head on top of the pillow you clutched. This gave you a bit of a better view but Cloud and Cid were in the way of the screen. Your eyes went to the holograms and you could see Terra typing away bringing different pictures up. A timer caught your attention as it began to countdown.

Terra began, "Enemy approaching in ten."

"Turret One is online," Ven slide his hand across the screen.

"Thanks, Ven," Aqua grinned.

"Turret Two is online," Aerith smiled. "Have fun, Leon."

"Thanks," he responded.

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