[Chapter 14]

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"Looks like [Name] fell asleep waiting for us."

That sounded like Leon.

"She looks like a nice girl. Her situation is unfortunate and we'll explain her situation after Selphie's show finishes."

That didn't sound like anyone you knew.

"Should we wake her up?"

There was Terra's voice.

"Not yet. I need to ask if you're going to involve her."

And back to the unknown man.

"I gave her that bracelet for a reason. Demyx manage to develop a program a year ago that let's the user appear normal to anyone connected to our system but under the feed that Headquarters gets she's invisible. An empty space."

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have Kairi change your bracelet.

"So you plan to keep her a secret from the higher ups?"

"They're planning something considering they've herded us all here. They went as far as to find and threaten Axel into coming back," Leon sighed. "When the time comes we'll decide whether to keep her here or send her to another world. Until then we'll help her adjust to all of this."

"Or she can decide for herself later on. You're underestimating her again."

There was Terra, sticking up for you. He was really nice to you. You wonder why.

"Don't worry, Terra. Squall knows what she's capable of considering she was using her power earlier."

"She was?"

Whoops. Cat's out of the bag.

"Aerith pulled me aside to tell me about [Name]'s decreasing MP. I was going to come and check but she stopped."

"We'll have to tell her to be more careful and start lessons soon. Would it be suspicious to request for a Time Mage this early?"

"Yup. We'll be getting a Time Mage before classes start so we'll have to make due with our Blue Mage and Monk classes teaching her. You up for it, Terra?"

And now you were lost.

"I think Zexion would be more suited for the task or Tidus, considering he can use some Time Magic."

Not making any sense.

"You don't have to be so modest. You and Tifa have done well teaching Xion and she's one of the best Operatives with the Monk class."

Still not making sense but you go Xion.

"He does bring up a good point. Time Magic can be tricky and affects the individual differently."

"Than we'll have the faculty practice their lesson plans with [Name]. It does takes a village to raise a child."

Curling closer to yourself, you felt your eyes heavy with sleep. Their conversation made no sense to your sleep laden mind. It made some sense but just bits of it. Maybe you were imagining this all and this was just a dream. Was all that happened just a bad dream?

You felt a light shake to your arm.

"[Name]," Terra spoke softly. He always had a soft smile or soft voice with you. He probably saw you as some small forest animal that he could frightened.

"Hm?" you responded, not daring to open your eyes.

"I'm going to carry you down to where everyone else is sleeping. Okay?"

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