Chapter One

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Having busy parents, made you felt alone. You understand that they are really busy because of their jobs. Thanks to the forest behind your house and your imagination, Your life is just not boring anymore.

One time, While playing outside. You heard a scream of a couple not so far away. Then you remember that your mom and dad had a walk in the forest

After walking towards the scream, You saw blood of your parents. You gasped. The killer saw you.

You ran as far as possible but the killer caught you. Tears in your eyes, While your blood is boiling inside. Fighting as strong as you could. You were searching for a weapon, You found a rock. You smashed the rock at his face. You let your anger out, Taking the knife at the man's hand.

You started stabbing him, The repetition of your actions made you smile.

The man is already dead but you still keep stabbing him.

After a while, you stopped. Going to corpses of your parents. You gave them a proper burial. Asking for forgiveness, Thanking them for everything, and telling them that you love them.

"Mommy, Daddy, I wish you could hear me but thank you for everything. Thank you for making me happy. I hope you forgive me that i killed him, but i did it for you guys. I love you" You cried

You fell asleep


Waking up at the night, Remembering what happened. Slighlty smiling.

"Atleast, I avenged my parents"

Looking at your blood stained clothes, You decided to go home

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad. I love you both"

Walking home, You got a strange feeling that you were being watched. Looking back and seeing no one made you slightly alert. The knife was still on your pocket.

"Hello? Someone there?"

No one answered.

Arriving at your home. You took a quick shower and change into clean clothes. You walked to the kitchen, making dinner for one............. only one

There was a knock........ at the back door. Reaching at the knife, And slowly walking towards the door.

Turning the knob slowly. Your heart was beating fast. Opening the door. And you saw a tall man, a really tall man with no face. Since you were raised right by your parents. You gave it a greeting.

"Hello" You gave him a nervous smile
"Good Evening Ms. (Y/N)"

You were nervous because it was talking without a mouth.

"Uhmm, Do you need something?" You asked

"I saw you killing a man who murdered your parents, We were impressed by your killing skills. I never thought that an innocent child like you would do a thing" He said bringing chills to your spine


"Creepypastas, Killers, We are killers Child"

Shocked, You stared at the faceless man. You don't know what to do.

"Don't worry Child, We will not kill you. Since we were very impressed"

"Th-That's kind of you not to kill me, uhmmm do you want to have some dinner?"

"Thank you but I need to go to important business, We'll continue this conversation tomorrow, Good Bye Ms. (Y/N)"

"Good bye"


After the encounter of another killer. You searched on your laptop, Creepypasta. Seeing the results, made you curious.


Slender Man, The man who visited you a while ago. Eyeless Jack, BEN Drowned, Zalgo, Masky and Hoody, Laughing Jack, Ticci Toby. There's many killer that you didn't know about, But they one who got your eyes on is Jeff The Killer.

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