Chapter Two

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Waking up, Recalling what happened yesterday and last night.

'Creepypastas' The only thing that's on your mind. Making breakfast, which consist of eggs, bacon, toast and a glass of milk.  You started to eat until someone knocked at the back door.

'Slender Man?' You thought

Opening the door, While holding a glass of milk. You saw Slender Man.

"Good Morning Ms. (Y/N), I'm sorry that I disturbed your breakfast. I just want to continue the conversation we had last night" He said, Looking down at you. You drank the milk until the glass is empty and replied.

"I'll just have a quick bath, I'm sorry that my house is not big enough for you to go in" You gave a nervous smile.

"It's okay, I'll just wait outside"


After taking a bath, You wore a black hoody, black jeans and black converse. Overall you wore black. You are still scared of the creepypastas, So you brought a knife. Locking the front and back door, You heard Slender Man talking, Not to you, But someone.

Being sneaky, You quietly walk up to Slender Man.

"I know that you are behind me (Y/N)" He said

Surprised by what he said, You're not even a close to him. Then, You remembered the articles about creepypastas and their paranormal powers.

"Hi! You must be (Y/N)!" An excited voice said

"Ms. (Y/N), This is BEN" Slender Man face palmed

Based on your point of view, BEN looked like a pervert. You saw his eyes looking up and down your body, Like seeing you as his prize.

Slender Man moved you next to him, Because of the fatherly instict. Walking at the forest, Slender Man started the conversation

"Ms. (Y/N), Since your parents died. We thought that it will be nice to invite you at our home and-" You cutted Slender Man off

"You're gonna make me a killer, Am I right?" You stopped from your track.

BEN and Slender Man was shocked, because you found out their plans.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Of course child, If you accept this offer you will have paranormal powers and you'll have another family" Slender Man said with a positive choice

'A new family? Well Mom and Dad said no man is an island. Maybe they will be happy for me' You thought

"Come on, We're nice. Don't believe what they say on the internet" BEN smiled

Looking up to Slender Man. You gave him a sign to come closer.

"Promise me that I will not be killed by them" You whispered to the invisible ears of the tall man.

"I promise" He promised


After that conversation, Slender Man told you to pack your things. He said that he will pick you up at midnight.

'Clothes? Check. Hygiene Kit? Check. Knife?..........Well check. I never thought that I will be a killer someday, But I admit sometimes I wanted to be a killer' You thought, Remembering that you wanted to kill the kids who bullied your best friend.

It's almost midnight

Sitting at the living room watching anime, You heard the roar of your hungry stomach. The idea of midnight snack came to your mind.

You made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


You heard a knock, Its Slender Man again.

"(Y/N), Time to go"

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